recently went to a witness wedding, and after the vows the bride and groom were introduced as "brother and sister".....(then last name).....(then the big kiss).
this is likely not unusual (i've heard it before), but with lots of "worldly" people in attendance it seems out of place to me.. i was just wondering if that's the way it is most places?.
I was just wondering if that's the way it is most places?
I never saw that in the KHs I grew up, but that may be due to cultural differences. In my culture they don't get introduced that way.
That said, it is a cult. As such they will use every single opportunity to push their agenda. Look at how they use funerals to preach to people who are mourning.
Or is this a plan to constantly adjust things to keep faithful busy so constant money fraud can continue in new circumstances.
You got it.
Yes, i remember the books from the 60's and 70's and how it used to be. Personally I don't see the changes as anything outrageous. What I see is an overreaction to the changes based on the fact that people have been indoctrinated and brainwashed to accept and believe everything and anything that comes from them. It's obvious that they have always been about their own interest and never about their people, but that's only evident to those who are well aware of how it used to be.
a bit of an update, last weekend was my great grandmothers funeral, now, she was never a jw, and never was going to be, no matter how hard my mother, and grandmother tried to preach to her, she was the type of person that would kindly accept a wt or a book, but she wouldn't bother reading them.. anyways, she was a great wonderful and inspiring woman, the funeral was extremely sad, she had been a school teacher for over 35 years and a member of various clubs, so there were a lot of folks besides family that attended.. well, anyways i was there and so was my jw mother, stepfather, and grandmother, we were cordial, didn't talk about anything jw related because, it was great grandmothers funeral, not really a time to discuss how i am an evil sinner, or how i've escaped the org by avoiding df'ing, right?
wrong, as i'm sitting waiting for the service to begin, a lady shows up, now- i have known this woman for a long time, apparently she baby sat me as a small child, (like i remember?
) so she isn't someone i was ever close with, but knew of her or when she was around would say hi to and make small talk.. to give you a tid-bit on her personality though, she is one of those crazy jw's.. she claims to have been possessed by a demon, very very wacky on the prophesies, or gb talks, etc. I am standing there in complete disbelief, this lady seriously has
the guts to pull this crap at my great-grandmothers FUNERAL?..
First, my condolences. Seems like you will be missing your grandma. Maybe you have some of her in you. Second, I'm so sorry that your mourning got so disgustingly interrupted by all that nonsense. Feel proud, though, that you handled yourself with grace.
Many JWs truly believe that preaching to people in mourning is supposed to make them think that they can see the person they are mourning again in their stupid "paradise on Earth". I consider what they do at funerals to be the most disgusting, truly irresponsible, tasteless, classless action.
I'm so sorry you went through that. Again, my condolences.
...I don't have a whole lot to offer on what the current teachings are from
the deluded idiots running the place. But I do have some years of
healing and growing. I will try to share if it seems appropriate. Peace and love to you all.
I find this part of your post precious. Thank you for sharing and caring for the ones still in.
even when they know that certain things are not right with the organization the flocks are blindly following their leaders viewing them as the future “kings and priests” (originally a sumerian concept).. greed for a “land of milk and honey” (either in this life or the next) is at the root of their allegiance.
interestingly, greed is something the flocks are warned against: ‘be on your guard against all kinds of greed which is idolatry.’ (luke 12:15; colossians 3:5).
Even when they know that certain things are not
right with the organization the flocks are blindly following their leaders viewing
them as the future “kings and priests” (originally a Sumerian concept).
Again, people keep looking at the face value of what the JWs say. For some bizarre reason, people still fail (refuse?) to address what their allegiance is about, which is nothing related to any of the crap that the WT teaches, but about what it gives them, what makes them feel, what's in it for them.
It's not allegiance to anyone, not even the GB; it's allegiance to what they get from being a JW. Those things typically are:
Sense of certainty about the future
Answers to questions
A sense of community/belonging
A place where they can make healthy life decisions
Structure for them and their families
An explanation for everything
That's what they are loyal too. The GB can tell them that Jesus reincarnated in a two-headed cow in Arkansas and they will believe it for as long as it keeps giving them what they feel fulfills them.
i know you know who i am by now...the one that forgets to use paragraphs...anyway, all over all the jw sites (not
it's been asked if you knew this or that why did you's been discussed how no matter what you hit the friends with, failed dated, new lights, pedophiles, etc, yet they stay and you can't reason with what i've come up with is that most stay because they feel it's god's org.
If the Org. confessed they were not God's org. Would you still be there and was that the main reason you stayed
That's never going to happen so I think speculating about some If situation that is not plausible is futile.
My thoughts are that, again, people keep talking about showing JWs "the light" about what the WT teaches, and fail to address the real reasons why people remain JWs. It has nothing to do with what they teach; it about what the WT gives them that makes them feel comfortable.
Address their feelings instead of nonsensical what-ifs, and you will obtain better results in making your point.