...the fact that it doesn't occur that often, shows how much we've all been effected by being told over and over again, "not to be critical of God's organization".
We have in fact been affected by that organization. However, using screen names, not only is common practice throughout the entire internet of things, but it's a safety common practice.
I'm not sure that not using our real names here is necessarily a reflection of the effects of that organization. However, I do notice that very few people provide identifiable information about themselves or people they know. To me it's a combination of feeling safe in the internet in general, but also that some people are still in the process of sorting things out for themselves, and are still under different degrees of influence from that organization.
The influence of that organization is evident in other ways, particularly when some members still behave and treat this forum as if it is a congregation. Some expect the same "united in the same way of thinking" nonsense that the WT promotes, hence, they act as if anyone with a different approach, or anyone who challenges their believes is not supposed to be here.
It's not a good practice to provide personal information online, aside from that, yes, some current and former JWs prefer to maintain their anonymity. However, from the moment when they become aware that the WT is full of shit, it's on them how much they let that organization mandate their own decisions and lives.