I love that show. However, those are actors, they are not random people. In reality, Americans don't behave the way those actors do, so they use scripted actors posing as strangers.
Lots of fun anyway.
i started watching this guy's videos and it was like trying to eat just one potato chip.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrdoao1_rf0______https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8447ks90dk_______https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jufm8rtq1d0.
I love that show. However, those are actors, they are not random people. In reality, Americans don't behave the way those actors do, so they use scripted actors posing as strangers.
Lots of fun anyway.
i have never really spoken on social media about my jw family shunning me.
i didnt even discuss or answer any questions about why they didnt come to my wedding, my birthday parties, why there are never any pics of them with me/us together.
until today.... today i woke up and had this insane desire to be open.
TODAY I woke up and had this insane desire to be open. To tell people the truth about it all and to put it out there why on Fathers Day 2018, my father isnt in my life. Below is what I wrote...and let me say that although I have been crying most of today reading and re-reading my post. It is the the support I have gotten from everyone OUTSIDE my immediate family that resonates with me - through and through. Just wanted to show that I'm proud of my damn self today! #yayme
I'm glad that you posted this. I'm sure that a lot of us can relate to your story. You do have a family on your own and have managed to live your life without them.
Thank you for sharing this.
a complete scandal is the reassignment to nothing of the thousands (?
) of bethelites, over age cos etc, .
out on the street atfter decades of unpaid service in very many cases.
The WT is the kind of cult that gets off by controlling and manipulating their people. I know that in the case of used and discarded bethelites and COs is more obvious, but your post applies to all JWs.
All those people are left with are anecdotes to tell. Sad.
in exodus 23:4 jehovah established this law: “if you come across your enemy's ox or donkey wandering off, be sure to take it back to him.”.
if jws were really his people, jehovah would have ensured they never go wrong in their teaching which is in effect much more than mere “wandering.” if jehovah is concerned about wandering animals of enemies of his chosen people, much more concern should have been shown by him towards his modern-day chosen people.. yet the changes they have made are too many.
Jehovah is not the God of Jehovah’s Witnesses
Some of us know that well. What would you say is the object of their worship?
at a local meeting, one of the elders said that if jesus were on the earth today 'you can be sure' he would be preaching by showing videos on a tablet.. i kid you not.. i wonder what videos he'd be playing?.
obviously this was the elder's own pet theory.
wasn't it?.
Really? What latest methodology was that?
Public speaking. That's all they had a t the time. And yes, not only do I believe that Jesus would have had his own Word Press website, Twitter account and Facebook page, but I also believe that people here would be making fun of "What would have Jesus used if he existed in the first century?"
You people just want to make fun of elders and prove them wrong in anything and everything they say. You are still as brainwashed as you were as a JW. Just because it came from an elder, it doesn't mean that it doesn't make sense.
My disdain for that organization doesn't blind me from using my own capacity of reasoning. I believe the elder is right, and the original poster is wrong.
Stop looking for ways of proving the WT wrong at any expense and get a life.
my original podcast where i told my story, this jw life, has now gone over 20,000 downloads.
it is a 9 part series that i put out last year and people continue to find it and listen.
if you have someone that needs help processing what they went through as a jw, if you have friends or family that don't understand that whole part of your life, then please have them listen to this.
Congratulations. I admire your work.
at a local meeting, one of the elders said that if jesus were on the earth today 'you can be sure' he would be preaching by showing videos on a tablet.. i kid you not.. i wonder what videos he'd be playing?.
obviously this was the elder's own pet theory.
wasn't it?.
Obviously this was the Elder's own pet theory. Wasn't it?
I believe that. When he lived, he preached using the latest methodology available in his time. He'd have a very hard time talking to millennials without some kind of Twitter account. Not too far fetched. I'm with the JWs on that one.
the world cup in russia is being used to launch v.a.r.
- video assistant referee.
it will be very interesting to see if/how it affects the almost obligatory cheating offences of pulling/pushing which occur every time players are in each other's penalty area.
The beautiful game?
It's never been about enjoying the game. The politics behind it all is definitely not beautiful at all. We'll see what happens with VAR.
i recently watched the 90s movie fight club for the first time and heard the phrase "near life experience.".
for me, a different definition of this phrase would be someone who grew up in the truth and led a very secluded and restricted life (like me) but on rare occasions actually experienced something that was considered quite normal by most people.. growing up in "the troof" was depressing.
it was characterized by long periods of loneliness.
Re-reading this, I remember that the elders had this special meeting with me, my brother, and a few other kids our age (we were in our late teens/early 20s), a group of about 5 or 6. The called us and schedule a meeting to reprimand us for going to a place that had a pool table and played pool.
The elder leading that conversation is one of the most dysfunctional people I've ever met. He hated other people having fun of any kind.
something i have noticed from watching many of bridgets videos is.
how many jws hang up on her.
this is what jws are famous for, having the door slammed in their face.
This is what JWs are famous for, having the door slammed in their face. But it's funny how they do the same to poor Bridget for asking simple questions.
Never heard of those videos.