The JW org keeps its servants busier than ever these days so that their minds are occupied 24/7. They ensure that there is no time for anything "worldly" to distract them.
I'm not sure what you base this on. Growing up a JW in the 70s, I remember back then they used to call them "temporary" pioneers. The commitment was 100 in one month, and it was all house to house, no online, no carts, no websites, no tablets, no apps. It was 100 hours of hardcore house-to-house preaching. Additionally, they used to control more things that today they allow. Today JWs can get away with going to college. Today JWs are allowed other events such as putting choreographies together and participate in other events.
Not to mention than the isolation of people questioning, disfellowshipped or disassociated was far larger than it is today, as we enjoy things like this forum, for example.
It may feel that they are pressuring more, but the reality is that they enjoy a lot more freedoms than previous JW generations.
The core of what they do is all about telling people what to do with every single aspect of their lives. I agree that learning a different language for the sole purpose of pleasing their purposes is controlling, but that has always been the case. It's no different today than it has always been.