Interesting thought. I agree to some extent, except for the sin part, but that's because I don't believe in the concept of sin as a noun or verb.
I think that the intent a given person has is what makes it ostentatious or really simple. The entire concept of having a given set of moral standards and values based on arbitrary interpretations of life, regardless of whether they come from the bible or some other source, promotes such ostentation.
My lifestyle is simple in some ways and complex and sophisticated in other ways. All of it is legitimate, comes from my own set of values and morals, and it's genuine. It is for the simple reason that I choose to have simplicity in certain aspects of my life. I can't care less about pleasing other people over it, including some "god". That legitimacy in my life choices, choosing to be a good peaceful person by myself and for myself, IMO, is what keeps a more restrained life. Not doing it to please "Jehovah", nor to show or proof myself to anyone that I am more right than righteous than anyone else is what make any set of values matter.