I was doing that literally since the day I was born. That's nothing new, using children for their propaganda that is. The only difference is the technology used for it.
JoinedPosts by scratchme1010
JW employing pre-teens to work religious propaganda phonebank
by oppostate in.
what do you think about using pre-teens to work religious propaganda phonebank?.
Noah a Preacher of Righteousness?
by Spoletta induring the watchtower study today, i browsed genesis and looked for evidence of noah ever preaching to anyone.
from what i could glean from the scriptures, it was a foregone conclusion that noah's family would be it on the ark.
(unless they towed some rafts behind) my wife says that building the ark could be considered a witness of his faith to the wicked world, but that seems kind of lame to me.. so, should i just assume that god decided not to give anyone else a chance for redemption?
I just say this because many of the comments today tried to tie in the Door to Door ministry with Noah's example and I just couldn't see it.
Great catch. If you try to understand it and make sense of it from perspective that such events never happened and that both the bible and the WT are full of nonsense, you may be able to make better sense of both what the bible says and what the WT claims.
I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'
I thought of a new Theme for the 2017 Convention Year
by Truth and Justice ini hope everyone is well and having a good weekend.
i have been quite busy with my work this year, but that should not be an excuse for me, although it is the best one i have.
i had briefly stopped by to see how everyone is doing, and it looks like everyone is hanging in there, although we're all such good actors.
Putting all humor aside, I think the writing is on the wall, they realize it, and they know it is not looking good, no matter how well they try to spin it. They can say all they want that "well, Jehovah is refining his organization." The only refining going on is people have had enough and they realize that "His Spirit" is no longer with them. They will only continue to have a downward spiral ahead of them.
Interesting post. The Trump nonsense related theme goes well with the WT. Both things are equally disturbing and nauseating. They deserve each other.
What I quoted from you caught my attention. I guess that speaking in a language that communicates well with them, I guess that a statement like that will make them think. But I wonder if they or any JW truly believes that the "Jehovah's" spirit will leave their organization leaving them in status quo.
I think it will be more powerful to show them where the WT is investing all their resources, along with finding a way of letting them know that they have been fooled, as they are no longer the WT's primary interest. Now that they have a better way of making money (they have a thriving real estate business) all that shift in focus is a business, not spiritual, not new light, not coming from "Jehovah", move.
Much of the Old Testament accounts do not seem to be historical, shows internal evidence
by anointed1 inezekiel 16 gives a brief history of israel.
surprisingly, it has no resemblance with what we already know about israel—their origin and progress as given in the prophecy genesis 22:15-18 and also in the description that follows.
ezekiel repeatedly says (16:2, 45) “your ancestry and birth were in the land of the canaanites; your father was an amorite [descended from one of the sons of canaan (genesis 14:7), occupied large parts of southern mesopotamia, and their god was amurru] and your mother a hittite [ancient anatolian people who established an empire centered on hattusa].
Nice to see you discerned the spirit of my post.
Some of us discern the spirit of your post, but don't care about the bible anyway. Point is, not giving a hoot about some biblical post has nothing to do with not knowing or understanding what is being communicated or why.
My first Christmas with my son
by Funchback inafter i left the jws, i began to live a normal and mentally healthy life (i'm still working on living a physically healthy one) .
anyway, in 2011, i met the woman of my life and we have been together ever since.
and now we have a beautiful son who will turn 1 in january.
Merry Christmas. That is such beautiful picture. I'm happy for you. I'm also another non-Christian that celebrates Christmas. Feels great to choose what to celebrate based on what makes you and your family happy.
Thank you for sharing your picture.
New MacBook Pro fails with lowsy 3 to 4 hour battery life
by jwleaks inwith 2017 fast looming i was looking at upgrading my laptop and was eagerly awaiting the release, and reviews, for the new apple macbook pro series and the promoted longer battery life.. fail ... 3 to 4 hrs for the battery life.
lowsy results also reported by apple discussion members.. new macbook pros fail to earn 'consumer reports' recommendation.
by jerry beilinson.
I'm so happy to be from the generation when electronics were made of good quality. The crap that they manufacture today is just appalling. Sad that the newer generation doesn't know better.
George Micheal dead
by Je.suis.oisif injust that, he's died aged 53. confirmed on bbc.
bloody hell, i'm devastated..
Just found out. Back in the day I couldn't get enough of his music. He was so talented. In some of his songs (that he wrote) he also played all the instruments.
May he RIP.
What's Up?
by FedUpJW injust wondering if anyone else has noticed that this forum site listing in google has dropped to number 6?.
two days ago it was number 3.. i wonder why all the jay double u dot org listings are so rapidly moving up the list?.
even noticed one that said something about jay double u dot org donations link..
That changes in time, by the user, by location, by SEO optimation of the website administrators, etc. Hard to say what made the change.
So my brother called me last night...
by pale.emperor inmy older brother is studying with the witnesses.
he was raised in a jw household like we all were but he never committed to it.
he stopped attending meetings at 18yo, made a lot of bad decisions in his life and now, at 35yo is having a bible study.
As incredible as that sounds that actually what he said. I very nicely told him of the many, many, many errors the Watchtower has made and told him to read the Feb 2017 Watchtower which confirms they're neither inspired or infallible. Then i asked him where does the "new light" come from if they're not inspired?.
First, I find your post so interesting. I relate to it in many ways. Thank you for posting. I find very interesting what i quoted from you. I'm glad that you redirected him to the actual bible, making the difference between the Wt publications and the bible.
Being the way I am, I always try to look at things from different angles. Yes, it's true and great that he may be understanding what you are telling him. However, I'd suggest to be sensitive to his reasons to take bible studies. Seems to me that as is, JW means recovery from his bad decision making. He may not be in a place where he can make a connection between his recovery and taking responsibilities for his own actions.
What I mean is, if you persuade him that the WT is not good for him, he may not feel like he can find anything to shelter himself from making bad decisions. If he's using the WT as a way of finding a way of having a healthier life, aside from what the WT teaches, I think you should address many non-religious healthy ways of living and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
His WT background may have influenced in the bad decisions he took when he left. Point that the WT not only teaches how they are supposed to be as JWs, but also indoctrinates and convince people of what they are supposed to be if they leave. Some people have a hard time understanding that "what happens to people when they want to experience the world" indoctrination. That negative influence is precisely what had caused many ex-JWs going into the world with no life skills (especially those born in) and get them in trouble.
It is great that you may be getting through him, but please consider his real reasons to become a JW, and those seem to have nothing to do with the Bible, not any of the JW teachings.
Did Anyone Else Have a Non JW Relative That They Celebrated Christmas With?
by Sorry inas strict as my parents are, this was an area i had (still do) leeway with.
my mother's side of the family are non witnesses, and since we rarely have opportunities to see each other, my parents let me and my siblings see them during christmas break.
our aunts and uncles spoil us silly with gifts.
From age 0 to 8 my father wasn't a JW and there were Christmas events in my family. After that, no. As an adolescent and young adult, I found a way to celebrate when I felt like it, though I admit, not always I felt like it.