Why can't your beliefs withstand criticism, and re-examination? Why the persecution complex? Dad, why couldn't you just get off your high horse and admit this is wrong?
Now, I have to study with my wife about this because of her years of indoctrination. Because we want to have children, we have already accepted blood fractions to that end, and indeed, what am I going to do when our son needs a blood transfusion?
Tough situation. This makes me think about the people who still make excuses for the WT and claim that they do not cause harm to people and families.
Good news about the blood transfusion thing is that it's no longer a hot topic in JW land for various reasons. In the subway I overheard two JW ladies talking about the fraction thing, and one of them said "you know, 99/100 is still a fraction".
The other thing is that we are now in times where medicine has advanced a lot when it comes to treatment, and has been able to replace the use of blood in many treatments and not even recommend it at all in instances where in the past they did. The WT presumes that it's because of their influence, but the reality is that the medical industry itself has gotten a lot of problems over using blood. There was the AIDS crisis, there's the issue of blood banks always being in the red, especially those uncommon blood types, etc. Medical professionals themselves offer many different options today. And since now the medical industry is about making money, the use of blood is not as cost effective as many other alternative treatment or products.
I think that should ease your mind from too much worry around it.
It's sad that you couldn't have a relationship with your grandparents over that nonsense, though.