The ending is amazing! "Unlock the door, and let me out". I'm going to print that in t-shirts and try to sell them outside the next assembly.
"I'm free, living in the glow of a new light".
most of us have listened to and enjoyed deborah frances white's fantasic comedy shows.. if you haven't yet heard her stuff, here it is:.
in it, she and ryan very cleverly come up with"new-light" descriptions.
The ending is amazing! "Unlock the door, and let me out". I'm going to print that in t-shirts and try to sell them outside the next assembly.
"I'm free, living in the glow of a new light".
on a ex-jw fb group this post went up in december.
been meaning to copy and paste it on here.
the op on fb said they were happy for it to be shared:.
Thanks. I'll pass this along to some people that may be interested.
satan loves his own people and hates those who do not share his views, hence only he can use shunning as a weapon.. on the contrary, god is love (agape = unconditional love), cannot have his own people.
(mathew 5:44-48).
all the accounts not in conformity with this principle originated from cleric’s pen (jeremiah 7:31; 8:8).
Satan loves his own people and hates those who do not share his views, hence only he can use shunning as a weapon.
On the contrary, God is love (agape = unconditional love), cannot have His own people. (Mathew 5:44-48). All the accounts not in conformity with this principle originated from cleric’s pen (Jeremiah 7:31; 8:8)
What is this supposed to prove or validate? Shunning family members as a way of expecting them to want to return to the JW crap is wrong and abusive. Besides, who gives a hoot about the bible anyway?
the orlando times.
No password, I'm not sure what the point of your post is. There are plenty of JWs who are quite intelligent and overachievers, many of them in my own family. Also, we already know that the WT has made quite a few changes in the way they conduct business and allow people to do things they weren't "allowed" before.
Congratulations to Jalessa Castillo, and happy journey.
i'm just making my way through crisis of conscience for the second time and once again i am struck by the presentation of such detailed records.
letters are shown in full - copies of letters from the branch, and to the branch.
reports are quoted vebatim.
Was Ray Franz Playing The Long Game?
That sounds obscene.
saw this on another exjw site and had a good laugh.. hope you get a kick out of it too ;).
Why I have the feeling that some JWs actually may want them to exist.
i just learned that the word "trumpery" actually exists.
interesting definition:.
I guess. You can say the exact same thing about Obama, though.
many of you don't know me or won't remember me.
i left the jw's and my husband and my home last september - forging a new life in a new town.
i haven't posted here for many months, but have been reading most days.
Congratulations! 71 and FABOO!
Happy birthday.
i just learned that the word "trumpery" actually exists.
interesting definition:.
I just learned that the word "trumpery" actually exists. Interesting definition:
showy but worthless.
"trumpery jewelry"fyiengland and walesthe independent inquiry into child sexual abuse (iicsa) child abuse inquiryhttps://www.childabuseinquiry.scotnorthern irelandthe historical institutional abuse inquiryhttps://www.hiainquiry.org of irelandcommission to inquire into child abusehttp://www.childabusecommission.ie commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse others?...
does your country, state or province have one?....
National Child Abuse Hotline
Child Sexual Abuse
Darkness to Light
Phone: 866.FOR.LIGHT (866.367.5444)
People They Help: Children and adults needing local information or resources about sexual abuse
Family Violence
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Phone: 800.799.SAFE (800.799.7233)
TTY: 800.787.3224
Video Phone Only for Deaf Callers: 206.518.9361
People They Help: Children, parents, friends, offenders
Help for Parents
National Parent Helpline®
Phone: 855.4APARENT (855.427.2736) (available 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., PST, weekdays)
People They Help: Parents and caregivers needing emotional support and links to resources
Human Trafficking
National Human Trafficking Hotline
Phone: 888.373.7888
People They Help: Victims of human trafficking and those reporting potential trafficking situations
Mental Illness
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Phone: 800.950.NAMI (800.950.6264) (available 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., ET, weekdays)
People They Help: Individuals, families, professionals
Missing/Abducted Children
Child Find of America
Phone: 800.I.AM.LOST (800.426.5678)
People They Help: Parents reporting lost or abducted children, including parental abductions
Child Find of America—Mediation
Phone: 800.A.WAY.OUT (800.292.9688)
People They Help: Parents (abduction, prevention, child custody issues)
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Phone: 800.THE.LOST (800.843.5678)
TTY: 800.826.7653
People They Help: Families and professionals (social services, law enforcement)
Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN)
Phone: 800.656.HOPE (800.656.4673)
People They Help: Rape and incest victims, media, policymakers, concerned individuals
Substance Abuse
National Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Information Center
Phone: 800.784.6776
People They Help: Families, professionals, media, policymakers, concerned individuals
Suicide Prevention
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Phone: 800.273.TALK (800.273.8255)
TTY: 800.799.4TTY (800.799.4889)
People They Help: Families, concerned individuals
Youth in Trouble/Runaways
National Runaway Switchboard
Phone: 800.RUNAWAY (800.786.2929)