Newsflash. There are businesses that are now discriminating in their hiring practices based on the fact that you are a JW.
The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
there are businesses that are now discriminating in their hiring practices based on the fact that you are a jw.. sure, you think i'm mad.
but it's true.. the business circles have become acutely aware of the -not even 1 year old- decision in the industrial court where a jw ratted out a fellow jw and brought disrepute to the bank where they both worked.
Newsflash. There are businesses that are now discriminating in their hiring practices based on the fact that you are a JW.
The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
we got solar panels after the promise it will slash our bills 70% turns out that was true 6 years ago when my uncle got it the government was paying people for solar power.
well i just got a letter telling me they slashed the rebate again to 9 cents which means my $5000 investment in solar will take 6 years just to get my money back!
what a scam my uncles older contract means he pays no power bills for the last 10 years while the new deal screws us totally!
How can we save the world from global warming when they screw us over! Now i know why we are they only idiots in the suburb with solar rip off only our elecricity company makes money.
Solar panels are too expensive for what they claim that they do. It's like they want consumers to pay what they save in electricity to the company that makes them.
Also, many companies use that save the planet thing to their advantage or as an excuse for them to save money. A bottled water company, for example, made their caps smaller to "save the planet" by using less plastic. In reality they saved gazillions of dollars in material and the price of their bottles is the same.
Same thing with those bulbs that save electricity, the energy bill is the exact same, even if you pay the insanely overpriced cost of those "energy saving" bulbs.
i posted here weekly until a year ago when my mum died of a mild form of lukemia which is easy to treat with 2 blood tranfusions a month.
you can live to 100 with treatment, but no my mum chose to die a faithful witness after 2 years of chemo and hell for her family and doctors.
her chemo doctor cried when she only had weeks left to live knowing that she could be saved with one bag of blood!
My condolences. I'm very sorry for your loss. Welcome back, and you have my best wishes.
when i was young and i bought a simple shirt saying have no fear.
my late dad instructed me to return the shirt back to the store!
i reluctantly did so.
My father and some others in my congregation were insanely obsessed over things, especially anything around grooming and clothing, being too wordly.
That was a reflection of their own feelings of inadequacy.
walked into panda express for lunch the other day and there was a unusually long line.
i notice a large group of folks that had a familiar dress and smile on their faces.
the women dresses below the knees and the men wearing the top of line goodwill special suits.
Ok, JWs eat.
disfellowshipped.... a jehovah's witness movie.
Great job.
i was talking to a very pimi relative the other day.
despite been ultra orthodox she is a sweet old soul.
because of this i had to be super careful how i worded things, due to my respect for her and not wanting to upset or get her aposta-dar homing i’m on me.
...they are making them thinner so that people can come into the truth quicker...
To me this is the heartbreaking part. They seem so happy in their own little comfy bubble of simplistic thinking.
i left the wts in the early 1990's and i was baptised at the same assembly as this elder and his wife in the late 1980's they were probably in their early 50's back then, you know the kind; get called on, become a study and take to life as a jw like a duck takes to water, a dream call for all jw's and we went onto to be good friends with them over the years, the book study was held in their house also, he quietly progressed up the jw ladder became an ms then elder, a few months after i started my fade i saw him one day while i waited for a bus and he acknowledged me i said hi etc and he started a verbal tirade towards me about me knowing its the truth, how close we are living to the end, how stupid i was turning my back on it etc blah blah blah, i couldn't really get a word in edge ways, i bid him good day and that was that, he really was quite angry, i never saw him again until recently over 25 years later when him and his wife and their son were having a meal in my local pub, he was standing at the bar ordering, i saw him acknowledged him said hi and he looked straight through me, he said "do i know you ?
" i replied " hey eddie its jookbeard from the ********** congregation, surely you remember me?
" he said sorry i've never seen you before in my life, his wife came over to help him with his drinks and i said "hey pat, how are you?
I kind of felt sorry for this couple caught up in the fervour of the impending millennium and how close we were meant to be to the end, all those years they invested and wasted to the extent where they are now an old couple that time has caught up with, that initial confrontation all those years back is still fresh in my memory yet this old elder cant even remember a second of it.
It's very sad to see those things happening, including people we get to love and grow up with. I guess that it was a good thing in my case that I didn't connect with JWs at all.
Something I'd think about is, did he really not recognize you? If he know who you were, I'd had used it against him. He's lying by choice, which means that he's sinning, which means that his Jehovah doesn't love him, which means that all those 25 years have been wasted because he lied and now he's still going to get killed by his own Jehovah.
I know I'm heartless.
i don't think any member of the elite gb can be disfellowshipped while in the office, i think they need to be removed first from being part of the elite ruling class ceos and then latter be df'd if the need be.
i'm of this opinion from what happened to raymond franz, chitty, and greeenlees.. ray, was not df'd for apostacy while on the gb, he was first removed from office given a $10,000 severance package and booted out of bethel, latter he was seen eating with a member that left the clutches of the organization to which the wt corporation put into effect that eating a meal with a df'd or disassociated member is in itself a df'n offence.. i think the watchtower will be very reluctant to df any former gb member because they can do so much damage if they go public like ray franz did..
What Can A Member Of The Governing Body Get Disfellowshipped For?
Pissing off the other members of the GB.
well, i offered in one of his threads to have him on the show and posters seemed excited at the possibility and we got it done so now you can hear from the man himself on the newest episode of "shunned".
one of our very own stepped up to tell his story, well, aside from myself of course.
it was great getting to actually speak with him.. this is my first international interview for the podcast.
Great! looking forward to listening to it.