I think the 1986 team should have won it...
That's 1986? Why is it in black and white?
probably the best 45 seconds of 1966 for me.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wylvagyapy&feature=share wouldn't it be nice though?.
I think the 1986 team should have won it...
That's 1986? Why is it in black and white?
thank you to those that have passed on "leaked" videos.
one point that i have not seen discussed is "why" apostates are getting these videos.. are videos getting out because of a lack of internal controls, or are there more than a few disloyal insiders that are more than happy to pass on inside information.
or, is there a strategic intent of releasing leaked videos?.
Are videos getting out because of a lack of internal controls, or are there more than a few disloyal insiders that are more than happy to pass on inside information. Or, is there a strategic intent of releasing leaked videos?
If there is no intention of releasing these videos I would guess that the Wt is apoplectic about this gap in controls. The conclusion I get is that the Wt administration is highly dysfunctional. Understanding this dysfunction is as valuable as seeing the content of these videos.
At first, I thought you were wondering why in the sense of what's the purpose of leaking their info. Seems like your question is more along the lines of why is that happening and not being contained.
I think it's a combination of factors, some of which you mention. At the end of the day, the reality is that humans cannot be controlled, and they are going to do what they are set to do. Primarily, because the Wt and the JWs and not the kind of organization that they lead people to believe. They overinflate themselves, but the reality if that they are quite mediocre in everything they do.
primary school teacher tried invading temple of jehovah's witnesses when 'eight out of ten' drunk, hearing hears.
samantha beresford credit: wales news servicea primary school teacher tried to invade a hall full of jehovah's witnesses after getting "eight out of ten" drunk at an end-of-term staff party, a hearing heard.
I'll never understand the relationship some people have with alcohol.
I'll never understand the relationship that some people have with the Jehovah's Witnesses.
sounds like something that is right up wt's alley, any examples come to mind?.
I do play devil's advocate, and I'm also honest. Unlike JWs, sharing a different point of view in this forum doesn't deserve anyone total destruction, shunning or getting banned.
i asked this question to a relative after mentioning several situations where teachings were changed or readjusted (new light) and they have two reasons.
yes, they are correct because look at how the preaching work has grown through the decades and the advancements in witnessing and the second reason was the doctrine of the trinity and how the society opposes that.
i didn’t really have a response, especially for the trinity doctrine.. does the governing body have the rejection of the trinity belief correct?.
Has the Governing Body ever been right?
i told someone and they became very angry with me.
we have been friends for many years but lately his breath is eye burning.
he is single so he doesn't have a wife to tell him, dear you need a mint.
How can you tell someone they have bad breath without offending?
Offend them. They are offending you with their smell. Adults should know better.
i recently watched the 90s movie fight club for the first time and heard the phrase "near life experience.".
for me, a different definition of this phrase would be someone who grew up in the truth and led a very secluded and restricted life (like me) but on rare occasions actually experienced something that was considered quite normal by most people.. growing up in "the troof" was depressing.
it was characterized by long periods of loneliness.
I did have a few "near life experiences" as you define them. In some cases my father beat the hell out of me for it, and in some cases I got away with having a few glimpses of having my own space.
don’t know how i ended up here but no one who understands will listen, or any one who will listen doesn’t understand.
i grew up in the “truth”, i was baptised at 17 as it was encouraged by the elders.
i really didn’t understand what i was getting into.
how do I start to rebuild my life? My family one day cut me out of my life on the say so of a old man, my friends shunned me. That day everyone died I’ve spent 10months mourning them.
Hello. I think that you just started. Please expect a PM from me.
my dad died a couple years back (not how you thought this would start, i know).
he was an elder, and a very emotionally abusive father, well before the point where he ever shunned me.
he died pretty much penniless, and never would buy life insurance or anything.
Ask Jehovah and ye' shall receive, bitches! Lol! Thank you Jehovah for your rich blessings. I can now get my apostate podcasts transcribed. Thanks dad! It's the best thing you ever gave me. The timing here is irrefutable proof that if you ask for what you need, the universe provides.
Amazing story. I plan to use any money that my father claims will leave to his children to donate it to a shelter for people in domestic violence situations.
I guess their Jehovah does provide! Thanks for sharing this. Feels great to use money that comes from them for things that are more personally rewarding.
sounds like something that is right up wt's alley, any examples come to mind?.
Not really. I don't see how that relates to the WT at all.