Are videos getting out because of a lack of internal controls, or are there more than a few disloyal insiders that are more than happy to pass on inside information. Or, is there a strategic intent of releasing leaked videos?
If there is no intention of releasing these videos I would guess that the Wt is apoplectic about this gap in controls. The conclusion I get is that the Wt administration is highly dysfunctional. Understanding this dysfunction is as valuable as seeing the content of these videos.
At first, I thought you were wondering why in the sense of what's the purpose of leaking their info. Seems like your question is more along the lines of why is that happening and not being contained.
I think it's a combination of factors, some of which you mention. At the end of the day, the reality is that humans cannot be controlled, and they are going to do what they are set to do. Primarily, because the Wt and the JWs and not the kind of organization that they lead people to believe. They overinflate themselves, but the reality if that they are quite mediocre in everything they do.