Technology creates as many problems as it solves. A lot of the problems that we will be dealing in the future are many of the things that we see as a solution today.
JoinedPosts by scratchme1010
The changing retail Industry - will your job disappear?
by fulltimestudent inthe smart phone is a major factor in the changes that are happening in china's retail industry.
will your country also change?.
in the usa -
Do You Believe Hunger Strikes Truly Accomplish Anything?
by minimus ini see that stars are protesting something and to make a point, they go on a hunger strike.
prisoners sometimes are angry over their treatment and decide to stop eating.
some feel laws should be changed and make their point by refusing to eat.. do hunger strikes give you pause?
I see that stars are protesting something and to make a point, they go on a hunger strike. Prisoners sometimes are angry over their treatment and decide to stop eating. Some feel laws should be changed and make their point by refusing to eat.
Do hunger strikes give you pause? Do you really care?In other posts I have mentioned how important planning is in any form of activism. Hunger strikes are supposed to be a form of activism. Here are my thoughts on it:
Without any purpose, without any clear goal as to what the hunger strike is supposed to accomplish, it (and anything else for that matter) is nothing but a waste of time.
Here's an example of well planned, effective activism:
Here's an example of horrible, useless disorderly conduct, disguised as activism:
Who helps the most - POMO or PIMO
by Ray Frankz ini was recentely talking to my girl who is also awaken about if there were any chance of the org to lose at least its power and authority since i believe to expect a destruction of the org is unreal i came to the conclusion that the best way to help jws is by means of the pimos.. if we take the own jw logic (the world is bad but we need to live among them in order to bring them to our side) i think that if a good part of the people who left when found ttatt stayed in they we could have much more awaken people today.
when you are out it gets extremely hard to gain the trust of any jehovah's witness to begin with.
every totalitarian government had to fight rebels among them.. im not being numb to the causes of anyone who decided to leave.
Im not being numb to the causes of anyone who decided to leave. In fact I recognize the personal benefits are totally valid. What I'm saying is that maybe this - leaving - is what is making the org able to remain powerful. Let's be sincere, we are not Ray Franz. A resignation or a speech of protest from us is like throwing a rock in a lake, it makes small waves and quickly fades. I really believe we should think of this alternative strategy.
I find your post interesting.
I also think that the part that you posted here might be the key. Whoever signs up to help other JWs becoming PIMO or POMO, can create any kind of strategy. They have to have commitment to do so. In that respect, being PIMO or POMO might not matter. As long as they come up with a good strategy, they can be helpful.
I know people who perform interventions to help people in cults and family members who lost loved ones to cults, and one of the things that they do before taking any action is inquiring what will replace the cult. What made people join the JWs, whatever need that is, has to be satisfied somewhere else, otherwise, there might not be possible to have people leave.
JW Elder quits & sends 900 emails
by snare&racket inan elder in quebec, has just quit as a jw.
he did so by emailing nearly a thousand jw’s with the explanation for why he and his family are quitting.. i have spoke to him quite a bit, interesting guy.
he’s quite the loss to wt, he’s an elder with a serious career in chemistry, a professor no less.. catch his story here, apologies if this has already been posted;.
An elder in Quebec, has just quit as a JW. He did so by emailing nearly a thousand JW’s with the explanation for why he and his family are quitting.
That's a great way of closing the chapter. No gossip, no speculations, everybody got the same message and from the right source.
Love it.
Medical marijuana
by Mikethegreek inhey everyone.... i'm new to this but i would like to run my experience with medical marijuana past you.
i'm 48 years of age and have been in the truth for my whole life.. i suffer from ankylosing spondilitis and have for many many years.
it's a debilitating form of spinal arthritis and the symptoms of this auto-immune disorder affect more than my spine.
Recently (3 years ago) I was prescribed medical marijuana by my doctors and I was reluctant on taking it. However I had given up on the OPIATES and the other addictive pharmaceutical drugs I'd been prescribed for many years and started with the medical marijuana. I don't smoke it, instead I take edible forms.
Without getting into the Jehovah thing, I'd suggest to educate yourself about the effects, benefits and harms that it may cause in your body.
Some people prefer not to use any opioids because they have what they call an "addictive personality", that is a propensity to develop an addiction to things. That can happen with any substance, not just medical marijuana.
Look for sound health care related, medical advice, and try to get as informed as possible to take care of your health the best you can.
Keep in mind that an entire line of pharmacology for the conditions that you mention exists, and most-to all of their components can cause the same addiction than marijuana. From that perspective, there's no difference between medical marijuana and other pharmacology.
Are we losing our way a bit at JWN?
by nicolaou infirstly, i want to be crystal clear how grateful i am for jwn.
it's been my place of support for over seventeen years and it's the first online space i direct anyone to if they are taking steps out of the cult.
i am not bashing jwn - i love this place and appreciate the hard work and expense simon puts in to keep it going.
Some people just want to shout their anti-Trump message...
I think that this kind f thing is precisely what you are complaining about. Please bear in mind that some people are still in cult mode.
I also believe that people can feel free to post whatever they want for as long as they comply with the rules.
In addition, people keep posting political things, which is not bad.
And actually don't think that posts have changed at all. My complain is the exact opposite of yours. Many people here want to connect the JWs to everything and anything they can think of, related to them or not.
The Sailboat
by compound complex II inmy tech guy made my original summery day at sea into a brewing tempest.
sort of like life, yes?.
Love it.
Relative rates of mental illness
by Doug Mason ina report produced 50 years ago by a psychiatrist at a west australian mental health facility ("asylum"l reported that the mental illness rate among jws was 3 times the norm of society.
other similar studies at the time concluded the rate was much higher.. i wrote to the psychiatrist at the time, asking whether the wts attracted people who were already susceptible to mental illness or if the situation was created after the person became a jw.
he responded that they did not know.. being myopically focused on the wts at the time, but more importantly belonging to an alternative eschatological apocalyptic body at the time, i did not think more broadly.. i think that today i would like to know:.
Interesting topic. In terms of numbers, I may be as clueless as you are, and if I'd speculated about it, I think that I'd share the same thoughts that you stated.
I do know that the issue of mental health was my eye opener. I was depressed as a JW trying to comply with their Jehovah crap until I finally had it and got help. After that I started wondering and noticing how many others might be suffering in silence expecting for "magic Jehovah" to solve all their problems, or just waiting for their new order to make things better for them.
When I started noticing, and I mean, really noticing the JWs in that congregation in Rio Piedras, it was horrible, creepy, sad and angering (at that organization) noticing so many people with all kinds of issues, many of which can be treated with simple talk therapy.
I left decades ago and since then I don't follow anything they say, do or change, but back then there were elders who openly talked against getting any kind of mental health, claiming that doing service will make you better, or otherwise, it "has to be your conscience bothering you", so then you need to confess to something. It was sickening (literally).
Time to quit the church?
by eyeuse2badub ini'm a pastor and i want you to quit church.
by chris sonksen | fox news.
Thanks for sharing this. There are many other sources that state that church attendance is in decline. My concern is what people are replacing church related activities with.
How to spot awake JW at a convention
by Akid48 ini cant spot one to save my life, so i wanted to now if any one could me figure out how..
I cant spot one to save my life, so i wanted to now if any one could me figure out how.
My guess is that it might be the same way that they may have a hard time noticing you. I think the answer is in your own behavior and attitude.
However, if for some reason you're looking to be friends, or having an active JW with whom you can really talk, I'm not sure that might work.
First, there are people here who have been out of the JWs for decades and still behave like they just left this afternoon. Some people never let go even to their own detriment.
Second, some people might be experiencing a crisis, and even though they might be awake, they might not be in a place where they can even talk about it, leave alone admitting it to another person. Remember, some people think that they are going to die because of waking up. That's no small thing.
Third, a lot of the support that (in my humble opinion) we need is outside the WT and the congregation, and as away from the JWs as possible. You can get quality help and real education outside the congregation.
Fourth, people change their minds. Some people wake up but it's too difficult for them to deal with it and rather convince themselves to stay, which means that they will tell on you as a way of reaffirming their commitment to that organization.
Fifth, it's actually more on the fourth and first, I have encountered JWs and ex-JW people outside the JW setting (like in a company event, a bar, or a park where gay men go to have anonymous sex). Even under those circumstances they still didn't even want to acknowledge me (one of them was to busy to do so, anyway). The negative influence of that organization is very strong in many individuals.
Sixth, a lot of people survive being in that organization by putting up a big show about themselves and who they really are (elders, anyone?). If you are still interested in spotting those people, you will have to start to get a lot closer to them, and if you are PIMO, will that be to your best interest?