Hi Farkel,
"Logic exists aside and apart from God or anything else. Logic IS. There is no such thing as "God Logic", you idiot. Logic IS logic. Period. There is no psychobabble here. Logic is REASON and solid REASON is as immutable as God"
I'm with Moxy on this one- if we're questioning the nature of good and evil in the universe we should darn well be able to question the nature (or existence) of logic. The only problem of course, is that we would have to use logic to do, which makes the argument a bit tricky.
However, like Moxy also said, quantum mechanics introduces us to a different sort of logic. In normal logic, one is forced to choose, either "the grass is green", or "the grass is not green". But this is not the way things appear to work on a quantum level (I say "appear", but it's fairly well supported by science and logic :) ). In QM, if you ask, "does a particle have momentum equal to m or equal to n prior to a measurement?", the answer is not "m" or "n", it is "both" (but particles can only have one value for momentum) or "neither" (the answer to this question is of some debate).
I'm not necessarily arguing that nature is inherently illogical, all I am saying is that an alternative logic system is easy enough to think up. It's wierd, it's crazy, but it does appear to exist, so we have to deal with it.
So I would say that it's no great feat to imagine a God who could have made QM-logic work on macroscopic scales. If I can imagine it, then I want it in my picture of an "all-powerful God", or he's surely not all-powerful (token nod to poor St. Anselm).
My all-powerful God can assign arbitrary logic systems (it looks like some God/nature already chose to give us two), so I want my God to exist outside of logic (since he has created it). Well, in this case, gods get off the hook all over the place, because they are not subject to logic, so who cares if they don't make any sense/are illogical?
It's a wimpy way out of the argument, but a valid one- and an important one to address. I think people in general get far too much mileage out of Quantum Mechanics (from people who don't know any of the deep math behind it), but it does have its uses in keeping us from getting pedantic and dogmatic about the awe-inspiring necessity and rightness of logic.
Sorry to interrupt your flame war with Scorpion....