Stan - I don't for sure. I would hope my family would have said something to me. There was absolutely no contact for months after my last meeting. A couple elders stopped by to invite me to a 'special' talk some Sunday later in the year. I said thanks for stopping by and letting me know. Left it at that. If they df you don't they have to let you know of the process even if you don't go? Nothing hinting from me that I was no longer a jw in word or writing. Nothing in writing from them either.
JoinedPosts by RandomUserName3500
Greeting a person(who was removed from the congregation) at the Kingdom Hall now becomes a matter of conscience
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | august 2024. help for those who are removed from the congregation.
14 does what we have considered mean that we would completely ignore a person who has been removed from the congregation?
not necessarily.
Re-activate me?
by punkofnice inthere was a knock at my door and i thought it was my take-away being delivered.. long story short, it was 2 elders calling to see me.
i guess to re-activate me.
once they said who they were i recognised them.
Is this an official thing they're doing now? Going to everyone that has left? Ive moved over an hour away and my phone number has changed but still have family in the same congregation. So I know they can get my contact information. Would they forward it to the local congregation? Every once in a while my family will say Bro _____ asked how you are doing.
Greeting a person(who was removed from the congregation) at the Kingdom Hall now becomes a matter of conscience
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | august 2024. help for those who are removed from the congregation.
14 does what we have considered mean that we would completely ignore a person who has been removed from the congregation?
not necessarily.
I don't know if this is going to change how they act. Maybe some will.
My last meeting was 9 years ago this 4th of July weekend. Just stopped, cold turkey stopped. No conversation with anyone about why, no fading. One meeting I was there, the next gone. Not DF'd, not disassociated, no 'wrongdoing', no apostate attitudes, just gone.
Over the next couple of years while I still lived in the same small town, I saw a witness occasionally at the grocery store. Every time it was the same thing, eye contact from down the aisle, they would immediately turn around and go the other direction to avoid me.
Walked into a business where a bunch of sisters were sitting together. One of them said OH my he's here and they all got up and immediately left.
If you are not a publisher in good standing or better you should be avoided. Just being in sight of a used to be publisher is enough to be adversely effected by their evil influence unless you are at the KH. Even then the evil used to be publisher must come in at the last minute, sit in the back close to the exit door so they can immediately leave after the closing prayer so they can't spread their evil influence.
So now they can say hi. Nothing else will change in their heads. Ex pubs are the human reincarnation of Satan himself. It's ingrained in the brains. Their Bible trained conscious tells them this.
I can see it already. Say Hi is ok. Say Hi, how are you and you're in the back room getting counseled for excessively communicating.
Kingdom hall cleaning
by Farmer Jim1 inwhat are your memories of hall cleaning?.
i actually enjoyed it on the whole, my dad as the elder always tried to keep it to under one hour but in my later years in a hard-line congregation it was a chore.
the po's wife had a printed list and we had to complete it all before left (or got disapproving looks if we left after an hour).. as well as vacuuming the whole building the lost said you had to dismantle the vacuum and clean and polish all the internal elements.
An older sister used to think the toilet bowl cleaner was eating away the porcelain in the toilet. I asked her why she thought that. She said would run her hand around the inside of the bowl to feel if she missed anything and the bowl felt rougher the the outside of the toilet
What's the Worst Advice You Heard of an Elder Giving Someone?
by Sea Breeze ini believe an an elder told someone who's daughter (14 yo) became sexually active with a 26 year old in the neighborhood, that maybe they should get married.
so, they did... with parental consent.
he turned out to be a ex-convict who shot his first wife in the face with a shotgun.
joe134cd. Best decision of my life - divorced her.
VERY happily married to a never been a JW for 6 years so far
What's the Worst Advice You Heard of an Elder Giving Someone?
by Sea Breeze ini believe an an elder told someone who's daughter (14 yo) became sexually active with a 26 year old in the neighborhood, that maybe they should get married.
so, they did... with parental consent.
he turned out to be a ex-convict who shot his first wife in the face with a shotgun.
Wife was a violent monster. After an attack I called police. Prosecuting attorney pressed charges and convicted her of domestic violence. Elders told me I should have never involved the police and courts (I had told police I did not want charges pressed. They decided there was enough evidence to do it anyway). I was bringing reproach on Jahs name and the congregation. I should have called them instead (I had multiple times over the years and was fed up with no change). And, the next time she hits me I should turn the other cheek and let her hit that too. I must drop the PPO and let her move back in the house as I was setting her up and would be responsible for it if she cheated on me while we were separated.
Cant make this stuff up.
GB Update #2, March 2024: Women allowed to wear pants, no ties/coats required if not giving a talk, & now able to greet DF ones in the KH!
by WingCommander inyou heard me correct, this is not a joke, and it is not april fools day!
the asl portion of the governing body updated #2 (march 2024) has been released a bit early and someone caught it.
summary: .
Hope they aren't going to meet with all the inactive ones every 6 months too. Walked out the KH doors almost 9 years ago and haven't been back. Not DF, just left and they know why. 1 visit from 1 elder driving by while I was mowing. It's been great. They're probably not, I moved over an hour away 6 years ago
Anthony Morris the III has been FOUND
by Terry innote: photos can be found on the blue envelope channel and susan morris are living in lumberton, north carolina.
a real estate document on the robeson county website is filed:.
the religious order of jehovah's witnesses has provided a "life estate" for them.they can live in this townhouse until they are deceased or choose to move away and in either case the ownership becomes entirely the property of jehovah's witnesses.
I think I'm going to send him a bottle of Macallan and a thank you letter for his 2014 annual meeting speech were he blasted anyone who wasn't a MS by the time they were in their 20's. Who would want to be with a person like that. He marked me as bad association to the world and made me realize what the GB thought of me. First week of July 2015 was the last time I stepped into a KH and life has been great since. I owe him a thank you.
Jw's sending me invites and letters, I don't get it.
by Foolednomore infirst off, i have made it real clear with jw's my thoughts on being a jw.
i'm out, there is no coming back.. second, i'm on their " do not call list" .. so why now all of a sudden my mailbox is getting bombed 💣 by their memorial invites and letters?.
don't they follow their do not call list?
I received one letter in the four years I've lived in this house. Had the KH as the return address. A few clicks on Google found the senders name, address, and surprisingly public Facebook profile. I sent her letter and tract back to her, at her home address with a letter explaining why. Did not include my name or address so she had no idea of where it came from and which person/address replied. A few days after mailing the letter her FB went into lockdown with nothing showing to the public. Maybe she thought receiving a letter from a stranger at your home address was creepy.
Where does the cult fall on sexually touching each other for married couples.
by mickbobcat inso its wrong for married couples to have oral sex and anal but what about touches to arouse?
to climax i would assume it was wrong.
but what if you go too far getting ready for sex and climax, do you need to go to the cult to confess..
If I recall correctly, and it was in the old CD library if you searched. Oral and anal were not allowed and some had been DFd for it. Maybe in the 70's they backed up a bit and kinda said we don't want to know and stopped DFing for it. I seem to remember someone trying to get there df reversed because of it.