[Photo: Table Mountain - Cape Town @ sunset]
JoinedPosts by ZAPPA-ESQUE
Holiday time (at least in the southern hemisphere)- Here's a suggestion. Northern Sri Lanka
by fulltimestudent innot many years ago, this visit may have been dangerous.
but now that the civil war is over, even if the tamils lost their fight for independence, its safe to visit:.
Pranks to play in the hall...
by purrpurr inwhat pranks could you/would you/ have you played in the kingdom hall?.
i have never but here's two i've thought of, 1) replace the liquid soap with glue 2) smear nutella everywhere in the bathroom!.
what's yours?.
Had this lily "white" family of Dutch / Afrikaner descent [this is South Africa] who would only sit on one side of the hall at the very back - so insistent was Mrs about sitting there that she would send hubby to the hall in advance of the meeting [he is an elder] to reserve the seats !
So along comes ZE and son-of-ZE ...early cos as you know elders have to be at hall at least 20 minutes before time to start hounding...... and we move their bags to the front seats ! chaos ensues .Mrs E is so miffed she left the meeting!
Next time - there were 4 interested young gents of Dark Hue attending and ZE and Son swopped their bags with that of Mrs E and co - chaos ensued - Mrs E immediately counselled the newly interested Dark folk about not swopping peoples bags .....fortunately they were very humble guys and took this in their stride !
Needless to say some years later Mrs E's granddaughter gets knocked up by a ......................................that's right ! And now I am told Mrs E is the proudest, most un-racist Granma you can hope to find ! The baba btw is the cutest little chap imaginable !
JWs have more good points than bad
by lsw1961 in1) many who were on the destructive path have been transformed by their teachings (this includes me who was once vicious, and presumptuous and atheistic).
2) equal monthly pay to all members of the bethel community regardless of whether they are bc members or sweepers.
this is something that still remains as an unattainable dream for the world.
"""""Every organization (and even Governments) will have their own terms and conditions designed to protect their interest, and it is natural that anyone who tries to undermine them has to be disfellowshipped or should attract something similar (as Edward Snowdenrightly expects from the US Government).""""
ISIS and BOKO HARAM also have T & C's !
"""" In your case, you are not enjoying your lives even after coming out of JWs as you are still worrying about what JWs are doing and attacking them relentlessly (just like a divorced husband, who passionately monitors his former wife and attacks her with no let up). """""
Absolute baseless statement and assumption in typical JW Judgemental style [Well practiced and rolling of the tongue with ease] - after 60 years in the Cult I have never been happier now that I am away. I have made a personal choice and decision to attack their erroneous teachings when I wish and how I wish -
"""the higher-ups ............, told me to wait for Jehovah. """
They served you Cult-Kool-Aid ! And you imbibed !
Refused to go to meeting wife broke frying pan on my car....now SHE is inactive 4 years my advice!!!
by Witness 007 inmy wife is a stubborn stubborn woman.
when we got the internet in 1998 i slowly faded due to trying to prove apostates are lairs and scum...only to find they told nothing but "the truth.
" every qoute was checked and re-checked.
Does the Federal employment law requiring notice of 60 days of mass layoffs apply to Watchtower Corporation?
by truthseeker inyes, bethelites are unpaid volunteers/employees.. this mass firing of bethelites in the us will prove to be a drain on state and local government finances as many of these bethelites will seek government assistance.. can it be said that the federal employment law applies to bethel?.
a federal law called consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act ... act (warn) requires larger employers to give employees notice 60 days before an ... layoffs, which are defined the same as above but occur in stages over a period of 90 days.. http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/layoffs-plant-closings-know-rights-33596.html.
notice requirements.
OrphanCrow - Hi To you - I was also looking [and hoping] for a loophole - but WTS in my country took the Department of Labour to Court over this very issue in 1995 and the Labour Court upheld the matter in WTS favour - However.....................I clearly remember that there was a major scramble thereafter to "register" the Bethalites as employees and it is this info that I am trying to get hold of.
I need to speak to a current Bethalite to find out what their terms of contract are at this time - It is obvious that WT is milking Caesars laws ...........once again ....to their own selfish advantage. eg their claim to be a Charity ....my A----e !
Is Prince still a Jehovah Witness?
by Greybeard inis prince still a jehovah witness?
from the look of his new album, i think he has different ideas.
it will be interesting to see how they deal with this.
Finkelstein - Including the very Phallic microphone stand he is using ! -
Does the Federal employment law requiring notice of 60 days of mass layoffs apply to Watchtower Corporation?
by truthseeker inyes, bethelites are unpaid volunteers/employees.. this mass firing of bethelites in the us will prove to be a drain on state and local government finances as many of these bethelites will seek government assistance.. can it be said that the federal employment law applies to bethel?.
a federal law called consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act ... act (warn) requires larger employers to give employees notice 60 days before an ... layoffs, which are defined the same as above but occur in stages over a period of 90 days.. http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/layoffs-plant-closings-know-rights-33596.html.
notice requirements.
So you are in essence S----------D ! -
Does the Federal employment law requiring notice of 60 days of mass layoffs apply to Watchtower Corporation?
by truthseeker inyes, bethelites are unpaid volunteers/employees.. this mass firing of bethelites in the us will prove to be a drain on state and local government finances as many of these bethelites will seek government assistance.. can it be said that the federal employment law applies to bethel?.
a federal law called consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act ... act (warn) requires larger employers to give employees notice 60 days before an ... layoffs, which are defined the same as above but occur in stages over a period of 90 days.. http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/layoffs-plant-closings-know-rights-33596.html.
notice requirements.
I went into the similar act in the labour laws of my own country and received this advice:
My Question to the lawyer:
A friend of mine is a member of a religious organisation [Jehovah’s Witnesses] and was until last month working at that organisations Branch Office in Krugersdorp. The Branch facility functions as a factory producing and printing literature for the central organisation known as the Watchtower Society [NYC] –
As the members who work there are all volunteers they are required to sign a Vow Of Poverty – they live on-site and they receive free board and lodging and other services eg laundry is done on site- they received a small stipend to assist with certain necessary costs – very minimal.
All the work is done by the volunteers themselves – so in the case of this young person – he worked in the Laundry of the facility and was involved the all aspects associated with that/
However a decision was taken by the HQ in New York to cut-back on all their operations world-wide and this led to him being asked to leave the Branch.
My question is: All the people involved there are “working” in various functions and depts. and work a 8 – 5h30 day in a wide variety of functions – some very highly skilled and complex.
Does the fact that they signed a Vow of Poverty at the beginning of their tenure there Negate the Employer / Employee relationship as detailed in RSA Labour Law ?? They received no severance of any kind and did not contribute to Pension and Medical Insurances. They appear to have been left high and dry !
Are you able to answer me via e-mail?
I believe there was a ruling in a case between the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Dept of Labour in about 1995 and the Court upheld their vow of poverty status ? ! I have not means to access the case docs -
His reply:
You pose an interesting question..
In terms of our Constitution everyone is entitled to fair labour practices. To give content to this, employment is further governed by several acts of parliament. The Basic Conditions of Employment Act specifically excludes "unpaid volunteers working for an organisation serving a charitable purpose". People doing 'volunteer' work for a religious organisations may or may not fall under this exclusion. The Labour Relations Act (which, amongst other things, protects employees against unfair dismissal and unfair labour practices) does not contain a similar exclusion. However, even if one disregards the exclusion, the two essential components of the employment relationship are the provision for work or assistance in exchange for remuneration. "Remuneration" can be in money "... or in kind".
The more specific question in the case that you mention is whether the stipend, board and lodging and other services could be regarded as "remuneration". This is a factual question which may differ from case to case. A small stipend - intended to cover living expenses only - is unlikely to be regarded as remuneration. However, if it goes (significantly?) beyond that, it may be a different situation altogether. If your friend and his colleagues feel aggrieved, they might want to consult with an expert in labour and employment law. If they intend disputing the termination of their services they would have 30 days after termination to do so.
Anthony Morris's talk about beards and facial hair
by EndofMysteries ini just found an archive of one of anthony morris's talks back from 1916, (yes the man is that old), about facial hair.
obviously he recycles his talks as it will sound very similar to a recent rant of his!
"it's in america, and it's in europe, they have the metrosexual look.
Brakpan is a very obscure rough tough former gold-mining town about 45 km east of Johannesburg - It is not uncommon to see children with 6 digits on each hand and foot walking the streets barefoot !
This spoof shows the guy using Ford Cortina Gearbox oil for conditioning his beard ! Its in the Afrikaans language-
Baard = Beard
Bethel layoff question
by CookieMonster inhi,.
with the layoffs of bethelites and special pioneers, does anyone know if they get some sort of "redundancy" payout?
It will depend on the conditions of tenure of the Bethalites within a particular country - as it pertains to that nations Labour Laws.
So if JW had to "employ" the Bethalites then they would more than likely be bound to specific legislation related to a "Retrenchment process" *- which should include a pay-out, and also the Bethalites should have been part of an Unemployment Insurance Fund which will allow you to draw a payment from the labour office for a certain very short period.
* Generally this 'process" [yes its a process] cant take place overnight or even in a very short period of time. Its cannot be a unilateral process either and extensive negotiation has to take place involving all parties concerned.
I would be interested to know the process that these Bethalites faced in various parts of the world. I feel that I stand to be shocked !