I posted a comment on the BOAS website to the effect that JW- ORG loves it when they advance the hand of the clock as it plays right into their need to maintain the culture of FEAR in order to keep the Cult-troops "marching in step" and I suggested that they approach JW . ORG for a commission of sorts [ lol ]
JoinedPosts by ZAPPA-ESQUE
Article: USA TODAY - Doomsday Clock: 'Three minutes' left until the apocalypse
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2016/01/26/doomsday-clock-countdown-humanitys-end-moves-today/79347584/.
doomsday clock: 'three minutes' left until the apocalypse .
the doomsday clock, a symbolic countdown to the world’s end, stands still at three minutes until midnight, scientists announced tuesday.. it remains at the position it moved to one year ago.. that the clock moves no closer to midnight, the indicated end of humanity, remains "grave" news, its makers stressed.. "unless we change the way we think, humanity remains in serious danger," said lawrence krauss of the bulletin of the atomic scientists, the nonprofit that sets the clock.
Fidel Castro and the WT
by Hecce ini am going to engage on a trip to the past and share with you some of the matters that marked the beginning of the jws persecution in cuba.
you will be surprised that the pattern that was followed is very similar to what happened in other dictatorial countries.. in the cuban case, i am going to surprise you and tell you that like what happened with hitler; the wt was partially responsible for their clash and confrontation with the cuban government.
during the early 60s the revolution was fighting for survival and they were willing and ready to demolish any perceived enemy to their cause.. a prime example was their war against the catholic church that was the most influential religious entity in the country; it took the supreme leader only a few public discourses to send the vast majority of clergy packing and back to their country, in this case spain.. the jehovah’s witnesses were an insignificant minority but they over estimated their importance and displayed a belligerent attitude, it was known that this was a us based religion and an easy target to connect them with the cia.
Would you have the reference to that Awake article ? -
New Light: Clap when it is given a Reinstatement ad
by TheTruthBR ina new letter was posted in jw.org to the elders who are under the brazilian branch:.
january 25, 2016to all bodies of eldersref .
: clap when given a readmission addear brothers:we would like to inform you about a recent adjustment.
A subject of this nature and the decision given would not be done on a "local" level only -
This letter must surely be made-up - so hold fire !
"There will be earthquakes...."
by Fisherman ingiven: the prophecy is true.. what did jesus mean?
i have an app that alerts me of any earthquake all over the world.
since i got the app, it is one earthquake after another all over the world.
Before you had the app you did not have knowledge of many of the quakes occurring - but Earth is "quaking" all the time - very dynamic - I set the USGS app to only give me report of quakes exceeding 6.5 otherwise my mail-box would be overloaded -
Only "biggie" I experienced was a 6.3 M in 1969-
While living near Johannesburg we often experienced tremors related to the local geology and the impact of the Gold Mining in the area - some were pretty strong and could cause minor damage to property -
The Many Faces of Judge Joseph Rutherford Part 1:
by unclebruce inyou never saw these two in the same room..
The judge looks like he was auditioning for a Laurel and Hardy Show -
My life After Bethel Part 1
by new boy inthe day i left it was pouring rain........i really screwed up, i found out the night before, as i was packing things up, that i had way under estimated how much stuff i had.
i had two large suit cases (that i could barely shut the lids on) and a large army duffel bag.
i would guess about 200 pounds of shit......my van was in rhode island with the engine out of it.
We await Pt 2 .....................................keenly ! -
I can't let go of this obsession...
by juandefiero ini really want to let go of the exjw obsession.
but i can't.
i keep coming here and other sites several times a day.i want to shout from the rooftops to my family and friends and say, "it's all a lie!
For me the inability to "drop" JW altogether is such that I am taking professional counselling for it - at cost !
My "Jehovahs Witness" is definitely showing -
My problem is I am in attack mode now and will attack anything and anyone JW ORG related - but especially the stupidity of the members and the teachings -
juandefiero I found this post from a week ago quite helpful - [ I cant remember who posted it so I cannot give credit now]
“””””Since I just signed up and posted a few times without doing this yet, here is my story.
I think that I became a Jehovah’s Witness because of my immaturity. I had some quirky personality traits, and I joined finding that I fit in because, as I said to myself: “These people get me. A lot of them are just like me.”
I was 18 at the time. My parents, who were home-staying-on-Sunday Christians, dabbled in Watchtower-ism for a bit. My father was the one who was more fascinated than my mother. In the summer of 1984 he passed on a Watchtower and Live Forever Book he got from the workmate who regularly witnessed to him. I had my own interest in the Bible and was one of those people who, upon reading Watchtower theology for the first time, claimed it “had a ring of truth to it.”
To speed things up, I got to studying, was baptized after only 6 months, and became a regular auxiliary pioneer as soon as I was able to qualify. I was soon handling the microphones and having parts on assembly and convention programs, and eventually became a ministerial servant and regular pioneer.
But one day I woke up to find I just wasn’t the boy who lapped up the idealistic dreams of yesterday. Being the very studious type, I actually studied myself through everything ever published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (there was no CD-ROM library yet). I moved on to reading the Church Fathers and learned critical methodology and, oddly, noticed how everything just left me feeling high and dry.
I had begun giving public talks at my hall, and soon, to my surprise, I had become one of the most requested ministerial servants among the congregations in our circuit to give visiting talks at other Halls around my state. As the requests kept coming in, a certain elder in my Hall grew more jealous. Eventually he couldn’t hold it in, I suppose, because he eventually devised a series of (shall we say) “complications” for me. Since that is another story entirely, let me shorten it to this: the lies and plots of the elder came to light, he had to step down, and the elder body had to formally apologize to me for what they had done (it was significant). Two days after the apologies came (some of them had apologized to me in addition to the formal apology), I left after giving my last public talk.
Yep, one day I was a Watchtower-brand Kool-Aid recommending orator and the next they were reading my disassociation notice. It shook many horribly, I came to learn, and some who were there to hear about my formal cutting of ties with the Organization found it in themselves to get up and leave themselves. About one-third of my circle of friends eventually left in the months and years after I did.
I caught up a bit on my education, got a great job, started a family, built a home, a new circle of friends, reconnected with non-JW family and am still living a great and fulfilling life. Nobody’s is perfect, but it is far better than what I had as a Witness.
But the point to all this is the lesson I learned about myself.
You see, after I left I had decided I had enough with religion. No more God, no more Bible, no more meetings. No, I don’t want to go to your church, don’t want to talk about your religion, I am fine as I am.
I still think that is a pretty healthy set of convictions to have. If they are yours, you can rest assured you will find me in your corner should you ever need support.
However, the lesson I still needed to learn came from my best friend Randall and his family. Randall was brought up an atheist. His parents are both doctors, his older sister is a scientist, and he himself crunches numbers as an accountant for a living. They are very straight-forward people, very loving, wonderful to be with, generally always happy and laughing, and they were a great support for me after I left the JWs.
Randall was my school-boy pal. We had grown up together since meeting on the first day of school in Kindergarten (it was snowing that day, and we used magnifying glasses to try to see if we could see the patterns of the snowflakes that landed in each other’s hair). Randall stuck around during my JW days, even agreed to study. I got to preach to his family on a few occasions, and they were more than happy to embrace me as one of them after I left that religion behind.
One day I was visiting them when they were having a barbecue in the backyard. The family always had wonderful in-depth conversations and even lively debates with friends about all types of subjects: politics, global warming, latest in medicine and science, even pop culture. It was great.
So when a friend among the invited group brought up the fact that they had joined a mega-church in the area and had undergone something they believed might have been a spiritual experience, I opened my mouth. Out came things like “lack of evidence,” “credulity is no substitute for critical thinking,” “belief in God is for the weak.” I used my best arguments, quoted this and that, and was on a roll until I noticed no one else was chiming in. I think I even stopped in mid-sentence when I realized I was just getting stares and silence, especially from Randall and his family.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
Randall’s mom, Eileen, spoke up. “Your Jehovah’s Witness is showing,” she said.
It hit me like a cartoon character getting bonked on the head with an iron anvil. I had left the JW religion, but it hadn’t left me. No, I wasn’t preaching religion anymore. But I was still acting and talking like I had found “The Truth” and treating others like their choices were so “obviously that of the blind and unthinking” populace that was definitely NOT as “enlightened” as me.
I sneaked out of the gathering once it got back to normal...like a dog with its tail between its legs. I eventually came around to apologizing to Randall and his family. They were forgiving as always. Randall’s mom said only one last thing about the situation, and never mention it again: “You’ve always been the type to think that you’ve found the right way for everyone to follow. When you were a boy it was fun to watch, and even interesting because you were discovering things like science and mathematics and just life in general. You loved to follow rules and were very bright. But when you grew up you exchanged the Watchtower for those things. You kept the childish attitude. We thought you would leave it behind once you got out of that religion. But now you preach atheism like it’s some fundamentalist Christian creed, and that’s not really what it’s all about. The problem is not your latest belief, it’s how you see yourself and your personal choices in comparison to that of others.”
She was right. I was talking to people about my newly-found atheist convictions as if atheism was the newly adopted hate-gospel of the Westboro Baptist Church. I immediately recalled that I found the Witness religion attractive because it fed my need to feel like I was right and others were wrong, that other people needed to be corrected, and to pat myself on the back for my cleverness of always finding the “right way” to do things.
Randall and his family never once said anything against my JW beliefs. I’ve never seen them criticize or argue with a person about religion. They decline invitations to go to other churches and things, but being from a Jewish background they have attended things like Bar-mitzvahs and stuff, even though they are not active believers. They got Jewish family and it's what they do. They just go with the flow.
Today, though my convictions have indeed changed somewhat, I have learned that I can’t blame the Jehovah’s Witnesses for everything in my past. Do I still think they are cult-ish and got it all wrong? Yeah. I am certainly glad I left. But I can see how my attitude needed some adjustment, and how I may have brought some of the problems I experienced in my Kingdom Hall upon myself (though definitely not all of it).
I woke up because my boyish self-centered idealism just didn’t fit anymore, and though I wasn’t aware of it at the time, my need to grow up made me get up and leave. The “ring of truth” left me for a feeling that something wasn’t quite right. I think something inside me knew I couldn’t become what I needed to be if I stayed there. Who can?
Face it, when you believe you’ve found the only source of truth and only right way to live, well you can’t say that is really a humiliating experience. Just listen to and watch people like Governing Body member, Stephen Lett. That’s not a very humble man. Declaring there is more evidence for “1914” than for wind or electricity is not the type of thing that comes out of the mouth of a modest and humble human being. I’ve never seen the attitude of Witnesses reflected in Randall or his family.
I think I was one of those people that naturally fit in the Watchtower, ready to call uniformity “unity” and compartmentalize everything in life into “This Is Good” and “This Is Evil” and accepted having nothing in between as a sign that all is done correctly since this made everything in the world make sense, so neatly…from MY point of view, that is.
So yes, I left the Watchtower, many, many years ago. And a few years later the Watchtower left me.”””””
Kim and mikeys chanel on YouTube they uploaded a video of more singing and dancing
by Crazyguy inon their chanel they are showing a video of a special assembly day in belgium i believe.
the jws are dancing dressed in black and red, satanic colores.
singing and playing worldly songs and kingdom melodies.
Just for the sake of context Please !
How do you conclude that this is a Special Assembly event ??
A get together or Wedding maybe ..............................just asking??
Some amazing insights on why the the name Jehovah is no more used in the new testament scriptures
by paradisebeauty ini read this blog post by a person i have no idea if she is still a jw or not, but it made me think and gain some new perspective on using the divine name.
please read it if you can, it will change your view!
and it totally devalidates the jw dogma that they are the only ones using god's name, no, they are actually orphans.
paradisebeauty The Beroean Pickets site [Meliti] is fairly informative and thought-provoking -
Generally pretty good interchanges with people who are trying to put their minds into gear before they "blast-away" their opinions - and blast-away your own. Lots of tolerance among those giving interchanges there. Also the stuff that is archived provides a good source on a load of good topics -
After-all - who of us has The TRUTH ?? We search and grope don't we !
The site is run by a male witness [former elder - still in]
by Mughees ahmed inquality manufacturers and exporters of masonic apparel , accessories,badges from sialkot-pakistan.. .
pls contact us if wanna know more information.
director / ceo.
You need to contact ;
Jehovah’s Witnesses
25 Columbia Heights
BROOKLYN NY 11201-2483
+1 718-560-5000
Office Hours
Monday to Friday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Please ask for :
Mr Stephen Lett or Mr Anthony Morris The Third
Tip: When doing business with this organization, always offer a "Kick-Back"