Its a Multilevel Marketing company - My wife joined about 25 years ago but never made any real money - It runs on a model that does resemble the JW model of recruiting ! You join - usually via a presentation session after having been talked into going by a "recruiter' - and then you buy product and follow a very refined model of marketing the GNLD way ......"tried and tested" - building your Network by means of "first calls" and "return visits" and lots of use of your resources ! As in JW land you end up with a lot of "product" that you own [like Mags building up on the shelf] If you apply yourself ......"pioneering spirit" you can succeed in building your Downline but as with MLM systems there is that finite critical crossing point !
Many JW buy into MLM's because it ..... will allow you to spend more time in the preaching work wont it! And so when you have several JW in a congo doing MLM eg Amway/ Herbalife or GNLD you are all trying to recruit your nearest contact base eg relatives and congo members and it all gets very messy! There is only so much product that anyone in the congo can purchase !
And the founder was always a someone who had this "enlightening moment in life" - Like Jerry Brassfield of GNLD - rather like members of charismatic groups who have that big meeting moment with Christ -
Herewith a direct quote from the NEOLIFE Homepage - it reads like a Charismatics testimony:
As a young boy, Jerry Brassfield suffered from severe asthma and allergies. Determined to find relief for her sick son, Jerry's mother began adding quality nutritional products to his daily diet. It was then that he discovered the profound impact quality supplements could play in helping restore good health.
Because of his passion for helping others, Jerry began sharing his powerful testimony with those around him and realized most people were in need of a solution to a lack of good nutrition. Sharing the products and working with others to set and achieve both health and financial goals turned out to be a financially rewarding home based business.
His belief in the products and desire to change lives is what paved the way for Jerry to turn his small network marketing business into a global, multi-million dollar company.
So look into it very very carefully ! You may be paying out a lot of money for products [which probably have value - eg they have to pass FDA criteria ] but if you looked at the individual ingredients etc in the products you will find you can get similar elsewhere at much cheaper prices .