Has anyone read : Thanks for the memories by taylor Brice?
A gripping book!
a deeply interesting read.. i have been reading: 'soul snatchers,the mechanics of cults' and i am finding it so precise in explaining /analysing cults.
here is a few lines:.
drug addiction and cult-membership have striking similarities.
Has anyone read : Thanks for the memories by taylor Brice?
A gripping book!
a deeply interesting read.. i have been reading: 'soul snatchers,the mechanics of cults' and i am finding it so precise in explaining /analysing cults.
here is a few lines:.
drug addiction and cult-membership have striking similarities.
Some more:
Journalist Edward Hunter explained that the goal of this brainwashing — it is he who popularized the term — was to “radically change a mind, so that the individual becomes a live puppet, a human robot, without the atrocity being visible on the exterior, the objective being to create a tool in flesh and blood, furnished with new beliefs and new thought processes inserted into a captive body.”
omg i just watched some of "the family" on netflix and the similarities with the jw are strong.
i just saw the in beginning of one episode, that it began in eisenhower administration!
his mother was a bible student.
Yeah , I watched it and was amazed at the similarities too. There are some other culty movies on there too. eye openers all of them.
a deeply interesting read.. i have been reading: 'soul snatchers,the mechanics of cults' and i am finding it so precise in explaining /analysing cults.
here is a few lines:.
drug addiction and cult-membership have striking similarities.
A few more lines:
The dependence is twofold. First there is ideological dependence,
subjection to the cult’s thought; then there is sociological dependence,
stemming from the membership in a new groups, which becomes a protective refuge, a substitute family where complicity takes over, unifying
the disciples while cutting them off from society even more. Here you
can see a very real similarity to groups of drug-users.
The third phase is the progressive increase in the constraints applied
and the submission that results, with no chance of exit. At this stage the
initiate is dependent on the cult, cut off from society at large, and psychologically and physically bound by obligations that deprive him of his freewill and of all social and economic freedom. This process is in every respect parallel to that of addiction and drug dependency; in the same way,
it leads to the complete subjection of the individual. "
2019-12-12-special preaching campaign in central london.
2020 london campaign application form.
Thank you Atlantis, Petra and Vulcan for your hard work and uploads.
Have a good festive season.
this is an hypothetical question...i am doing well.
but i was thinking about how my jw family, grandchildren and all will feel when their inactive grandfather dies with no hope of being reunited in paradise.
of course there would be immediate rejoicing if i came back to the "truth" and a surge of conditional love from the "friends".
Screw those family members who do not care for you as a person but only if you are a jdumb. F###ing Slave-holders.
a deeply interesting read.. i have been reading: 'soul snatchers,the mechanics of cults' and i am finding it so precise in explaining /analysing cults.
here is a few lines:.
drug addiction and cult-membership have striking similarities.
A deeply interesting read.
I have been reading: 'Soul Snatchers,the mechanics of cults' and I am finding it so precise in explaining /analysing cults. here is a few lines:
Drug addiction and cult-membership have striking similarities. Drug addiciton described by WHO as having 3 components; habitual use, dependence and ever-increasing doses.
In the case of the initiate, there is a progressive use of rituals and a way of using language that gradually become habit-forming. As with drugs, the teachings of the sect are administered bit-by-bit so that the initiate does not become overwhelmed and reject it.Each stage in assimilating the doctrines corresponds to a step towards dependence, when the natural defenses will be submerged under the parasitic thought processes. (And you are gone under,tradin gyour lie/ freedom forever)
(Sound familiar??) Brackets and bold printed by me.
This is just a start and I cant put it down.
What are your thoughts?
i was reading today that the last star wars movie will be playing next week.
doing a little searching, i found that there have been 12 movies in the saga total, ( box office, total (12 films): $9.323 billion.)..
it got me thinking about when the empire strikes back came out, it was the second movie ( 1980).
An elders/big boss of the cong/biggest scheming politician about's sons always use to make statements like "I will get to paradise despite whatever I do coz My dad is the elder.Not the likes of you coz you are nothing".Believe me he did get into a lot of bad things in his youth and "Daddy dear" always protected him in mnay ways. Nonetheless the whole congregation knew he was a dirty dish rag!
i was reading today that the last star wars movie will be playing next week.
doing a little searching, i found that there have been 12 movies in the saga total, ( box office, total (12 films): $9.323 billion.)..
it got me thinking about when the empire strikes back came out, it was the second movie ( 1980).
Something that always stood out to me, was an old semi-lighthearted practice amongst some JWs of bagging favourite pieces of real estate, for post-Armageddon occupation...whilst on the ministry.
i experienced this in two different countries, opposite sides of the globe.When in any foreign language ministry I heard this by many others trying to "tag it", real big massive houses on posh streets.
How very non-materialistic and having a simple eye!!........Not!
here are some examples where bible writers used the #, 3!
were these stories ever true, or were they just fabrications and laziness on the writer's part where it just made sense to use the #, 3?.
12-year-old jesus stays in jerusalem, joseph, and mary find him 3 days later.
1.The 3 righteous patriarchs before the flood were Abel, Enoch and Noah. After the deluge there was the righteous "fathers" Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (later renamed Israel).
2.The number 3 related to sex sins?
There are three places in the New Testament where sex sins are specially referenced. The first is in Romans 1:20 - 32, where certain people who reject God are given over to defile themselves in a variety of ways that includes homosexuality (male and female) and overall sexual immorality.
The second mention of sex-related sins is in 1Corinthians 5:1 - 13, where the apostle Paul must handle the problem of the local church allowing a member to openly commit incest.
The third sex issue dealt with in the New Testament is in Revelation 2:19 - 25. A female who considers herself a prophetess within the Thyatira church, in the spirit of Jezebel, was teaching believers to commit sexual immorality and spiritual adultery.
3.Jesus prayed three times in the Garden of Gethsemane before His arrest. He was placed on the cross at the 3rd hour of the day (9 a.m.) and died at the 9th hour (3 p.m.). There were 3 hours of darkness that covered the land while Jesus was suffering on the crossfrom the 6th hour to the 9th hour. Three is the number of resurrection. Christ was dead for three full days and three full nights
I can go on and on.It gets long and boring.
All BS anyway