After reading this news perhaps the GB(piss be upon them) might cook up an extra donation requirement for armed bros at the Khalls; but we all know where most of the money will end up!
What are your thoughts.
after reading this news perhaps the gb(piss be upon them) might cook up an extra donation requirement for armed bros at the khalls; but we all know where most of the money will end up!.
what are your thoughts.. zing.
After reading this news perhaps the GB(piss be upon them) might cook up an extra donation requirement for armed bros at the Khalls; but we all know where most of the money will end up!
What are your thoughts.
some points for awakening jw's to consider in 2020: .
"joining a cult: religious choice or psychological aberration" by dena s. davis.
some of the following characteristics are listed:.
In some religious cults, as shown in Debbie's experience, converts are introduced to the group's ideology only after they have affiliated. Once they have identified with the group's general orientation, though, they accept the particulars of belief quite readily when these are spelled out (jdumb strategy at work is it not). (From the book Cults Faith Healing n Coercion)
some points for awakening jw's to consider in 2020: .
"joining a cult: religious choice or psychological aberration" by dena s. davis.
some of the following characteristics are listed:.
Cults appeal to that part of us that wants something better. A better world for others or a better self—these are the genuine, heartfelt desires of decent, honest human beings. Cult recruiters are trained in how to play on those desires, how to make it look as though what the cult has to offer is exactly what you're interested in. Cults can be formed around almost any topic; there are nine broad categories of cults: religious, Eastern-based, New Age, business, political, psychotherapy/human potential, occult, one-on-one, and miscellaneous (such as lifestyle or personality cults). All cults, no matter their stripe, are a variation on a theme, for their common denominator is the use of coercive persuasion and behavior control without the knowledge of the person who is being manipulated. They manage this by targeting (and eventually attacking, dissembling, and reformulating according to the cult's desired image) a person's innermost self. (Reparing the soul after a cult book)
currently reading bounded choice true believers and charismatic cults.
i am intrigued by this book in the first few sentences and then on find it hard to put it down.. a taster:"these nineteen men, we learned, were part of the worldwide al-qaeda network, which is guided by the elusive and charismatic osama bin laden.
alqaeda training manuals and handbooks found during intelligence investigations describe the type of indoctrination and training required by bin laden.
Truly a compelling book.Loving it through and through. If you are looking to understand cult mind control, you will want to read this book. Janja Lalich, a professor of sociology, is herself a mind control cult survivor. She writes with great insight into the dynamics in high demand groups. I found it hard to put the book down.
in 1998, #watchtower mailed a secret memo to all circuit overseers in which it was announced that when a "former child abuser" who was also an elder or ms moved to another congregation, the new congregation would **not** be informed of his past sins.
read: institutional cover-up!
Was going through some letters and here is what I found from 2009 boe letters. This is for australia. Just sharing the lines:
'Letters of introduction: Generally speaking, when each elder has had opportunity to read the letter, there would be no need for it to be retained..........
Additionally, any letter of introduction that refers to matters of child abuse should be retained in the confidential file for as long as the accused person remains in the congregation. Should this person move, a new letter should be prepared and sent to the elders in the new congregation outlining the individual's background, current restrictions that apply, what the elders have been doing to protect minors and to assist him, and their present experience with him. In all such cases, a copy of the letter of introduction must be sent to the branch office in a special blue envelope. Any previous letter of introduction held in the congregation's file can then be destroyed.PS to secretary: This letter should be retained in the "AUSTRALIA BRANCH" section of the
congregation's permanent file of policy letters'.
currently reading bounded choice true believers and charismatic cults.
i am intrigued by this book in the first few sentences and then on find it hard to put it down.. a taster:"these nineteen men, we learned, were part of the worldwide al-qaeda network, which is guided by the elusive and charismatic osama bin laden.
alqaeda training manuals and handbooks found during intelligence investigations describe the type of indoctrination and training required by bin laden.
"Conventional wisdom tells us that cult members who commit acts against themselves and others must be deranged, unstable, weak-minded, or weak-willed. They must be needy lost souls who cannot think for themselves. Researchers, clinicians, practitioners, and academics, as well as ordinary citizens, have concluded that cult members must be dysfunctional, mentally ill, or coerced by charismatic but insane leaders. The purpose of this book is to contradict these simple formulations and to advance a theory that explains how normal, intelligent, educated people can give up years of their lives—and sometimes their very lives—to groups and beliefs"
Often seen in comments that we were gullible naive, pressured, fools etc upon hwo could we have been in any cult. This book helps see why educated and intelligent ones have fallen for such cults. Do read the book.
currently reading bounded choice true believers and charismatic cults.
i am intrigued by this book in the first few sentences and then on find it hard to put it down.. a taster:"these nineteen men, we learned, were part of the worldwide al-qaeda network, which is guided by the elusive and charismatic osama bin laden.
alqaeda training manuals and handbooks found during intelligence investigations describe the type of indoctrination and training required by bin laden.
Currently reading Bounded Choice True believers and Charismatic Cults
I am intrigued by this book in the first few sentences and then on find it hard to put it down.
A taster:"These nineteen men, we learned, were part of the worldwide Al-Qaeda network, which is guided by the elusive and charismatic Osama bin Laden. AlQaeda training manuals and handbooks found during intelligence investigations describe the type of indoctrination and training required by bin Laden. They give precise and detailed instructions on behaviors, dress, social interactions, undercover survival tips, and deadly tactical operations, more or less guiding the daily lives of adherents as they await orders for proceeding on acts of martyrdom."
I honestly would not have joined the dots to terrorist groups but this book and there is one I read last month helps me connect the dots on how dangerous and destructive groups/cults can get.
mine is : jws preach that the entire population of the earth has been deceived ..
The Blind Leading The Blind..simple
2020 is days away.
has anything really changed for the witnesses or the religion?
Please do not forget there are so many protest and activism being done during assemblies and regional conventions. Thats is truly a significant change worth mentioning.
Other than that Naah!
Proverbs 26:11 As a dog returns to its vomit,so a fool repeats his folly!
new german files arrived.. .
bewerbungsformular für predigtaktionin „nicht zugeteilten gebieten“.
@ Sektenkult
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