This was in the national news. A good read.
this was in the national news.
a good read..
This was in the national news. A good read.
check this out n decide for yourselves.
bear in mind there are two major lawsuits (in groups of lawsuits joined together) ongoing in canada.
Check this out n decide for yourselves
Bear in mind there are two major lawsuits (in groups of lawsuits joined together) ongoing in Canada. I had reported it here.
to all the moms around the world.
thank you for being a mother..
nothing pagan about it so it’s just like a wedding anniversary and should be celebrated!.
Have a grt day all
some say mark zuckerberg is the most powerful person in the world.
some maintain the president of the united states is the most powerful or other political leaders.
who do you think is number one on the planet?
Most powerful :Humans
They have the ability to do whatsoever they want to improve their lives, fuck up others (even ones they do not even know, ones not yet born {that says a lot dont you think about powerful} ).
Heres a poem about it
You see Dear OP
We don't know where the greatest peace
A vision of the Human
We Could Be….
We wont know as Hu-mans exceed their evolution without a plan programming
They might climb balconies for babies
They might dive TO the bullets
Because it was his students
It may be a mother going hungry but her kids ate today
Itmight have been you in a thought when you Showed the glory
Of looking at the world with Kind Eyes
Patient at peace
Maybe you forgave your enemies today
Someone , somewhere , sometime today
They are the most important hu-man in the world
have any of you just had a recent circuit overseer visit?
we have him this week and his opening night was a doozy.
his whole talk focused on persecution.
I totally agree with Blondie on their excuse that he will protect as a group. But then again there are countries where JWS as a whole are banned like Singapore, Russia etc. So in those countries as a group they are not allowed to exist.
Although no matter what, one person will always be alive to represent Jdubs in this whole world always, always .So they will always get away with this as an excuse !
On the same token why not give salvation to all as a group without having an individual loyaltyn faith n all the other BS tested???
Not that I am bothered.
let’s see what the watchtower will do now..
bingo. they just caught up with the JWs.....
witnesses brag about their brotherhood and incredible love that exists within the organization.
they say they are really the only true religion.
is the jw religion the closest thing to jesus christ himself?.
Each day they come up with new ways to show how worse they can get. Eg Te thread about targeting deaf ones via cart witnessing.
Remembered a joke which actually fits well:
A pair of Witnesses were working rural territory one morning, quite a distance away from town. The witnesses had been out in service for a while and needed to find a bathroom for a break. They reasoned that a kind householder may let them use their bathroom. They stopped at one house and knocked but received no answer. As they left, they noticed the outhouse behind the residence. Since nobody was home, the Witnesses decided to just use the outhouse. As the Witnesses opened the outhouse door, they found the homeowner sitting there. The homeowner looked at the Witnesses and exclaimed: “You people don’t miss any door, do you?”
have any of you just had a recent circuit overseer visit?
we have him this week and his opening night was a doozy.
his whole talk focused on persecution.
The theme of the talk was something like Satan will have no success against us.
So why on earth is Bro Dennis Christensen jailed ie either Satan does succeed or God has no power at all!!
Load of BS to control their puppets. Poor souls.
a monk joins an abbey ready to dedicate his life to copying ancient books by hand.
after the first day though, he reports to the head priest.
he's concerned that all the monks have been copying from copies made from still more copies.
A man dies and meets Saint Peter at the pearly gates.
Saint Peter welcomes the newcomer and gives him a conducted tour of heaven. He walks down the corridor with many rooms.
The doors of all the rooms are open and the occupants are happily moving from one room to another.
Peter explains that each of the rooms contains a different Christian denomination. When Peter and the newcomer arrive at the end of the corridor there is a door slammed tight shut.
There is a notice on the door, it reads “Do not disturb” signed Jehovah Witnesses. Saint Peter puts his finger to his lips and says “Shhhh”. The newcomer replies “Why”.
“Because”, says Saint Peter, “they think they are the only ones here”
i know a lady who says she feels demeaned if a man walks on the outside or opens a door for her or stands aside to let her pass.
i just think it's good manners.
being a gentleman has nothing to do with equality in my opinion..
Agree with LoveUniHateExams
Experiencing something and just hearing,reading watching is never equal to living it.
Courtesy is never gender based.