You were wise Longhairgal while I was young,naive n foolish. Spent a lot of my money n time on these jdumbs!The only comfort I am still young but wiser from experiences.
wtc has become adept at using tragedy as a means of raising cash.
for example, when puerto rico was devastated by a hurricane, wtc directed a large number of congregations to donate $1500 each in supplies that would be used for relief purposes.
it is not known how many congregations took part in this effort but the feedback suggests it was in the hundreds.
You were wise Longhairgal while I was young,naive n foolish. Spent a lot of my money n time on these jdumbs!The only comfort I am still young but wiser from experiences.
wtc has become adept at using tragedy as a means of raising cash.
for example, when puerto rico was devastated by a hurricane, wtc directed a large number of congregations to donate $1500 each in supplies that would be used for relief purposes.
it is not known how many congregations took part in this effort but the feedback suggests it was in the hundreds.
Get This Longhairgal
Once when I was moving house to a different town,I was selling all my good furniture n things that were in really good condition as I had pretty recently upgraded my house n all (did not see this move coming ) .Practically selling everything I did not need or fit in the other house. A couple of jdumbs just turned up to take things away with a van saying "we can talk about money afterwards as the vanhire is already here." I needed the money so bad and so I just refused to let them in without handing me my cash.They did not like this at all, went and blabbered to an eldeumb who calls me to sort of tell me off for wasting this couples money on the van hire and losing out on a potential buyer! Boy was I boiling inside. I sold all my stuff to worldly people who treated me with utmost respect and were decent.
To top this a dumb elder tried to sell me his rusty,battered old car, which was nearly ready for the yard, for $1000 (not that I could afford it but he put it this way that I will need a car in the new town to get around (bear in mind I did not have a car even before then). I have never had a car in my life but do know some repairs and maintenance of a car. Some of the things that happened to me just blows me away.Why could I not see TTATT!
just been doing some researching and it jsut kept hititng me in the face that god jdumbs worship always butt-in/ intervenes too late or gives his 2 pence worth advice!
instead of avoiding/ preventing the innocents to suffer/ or even die he lets them get on with the bad deeds n then delayed intevention.
eg 1) judges 20 verse 18 where he could have intervevned with his power when the benjaminites were at gibeahs door and helped avoid the sex crime that took place on the poor, innocent concubine(plus 22000 innocent soldiers dying ,who returned for avenge this serious crime.. 2) 2 samuel 12:15-23 god aborts davids n bathsheba's son.
The ancient Hebrews told stories to create power and relevance to their god YHWH
But dont you think they should have been making their god look like a hero/superman/savior in a very good light? They failed in doing so and the Bible is full of such awful, disturbing stories.
I do not believe in god anymore, do not feel the need to at all, see no reason to but yes I do do read stuff, ad research just for my info.
wtc has become adept at using tragedy as a means of raising cash.
for example, when puerto rico was devastated by a hurricane, wtc directed a large number of congregations to donate $1500 each in supplies that would be used for relief purposes.
it is not known how many congregations took part in this effort but the feedback suggests it was in the hundreds.
I notice that some JWs were generous with hospitality but there was a catch involved: they needed people to do favors for them, eg. brothers to move furniture.
Same here,will be invited for a meal then asked to help with painting/decorating/ gardening/ tree cutting/hedge trimming/ floor scrubbing/car repairs.You name it I have done it or hear someone has been lured into it ! Some of them are really very selfish. As soon as I caught on, I refused turning up...then the invited started fading.
Faux Love Never Fails!(to amaze me)
just been doing some researching and it jsut kept hititng me in the face that god jdumbs worship always butt-in/ intervenes too late or gives his 2 pence worth advice!
instead of avoiding/ preventing the innocents to suffer/ or even die he lets them get on with the bad deeds n then delayed intevention.
eg 1) judges 20 verse 18 where he could have intervevned with his power when the benjaminites were at gibeahs door and helped avoid the sex crime that took place on the poor, innocent concubine(plus 22000 innocent soldiers dying ,who returned for avenge this serious crime.. 2) 2 samuel 12:15-23 god aborts davids n bathsheba's son.
Just been doing some researching and it jsut kept hititng me in the face that God Jdumbs worship always butt-in/ intervenes too late or gives his 2 pence worth advice! Instead of avoiding/ preventing the innocents to suffer/ or even die he lets them get on with the bad deeds n then delayed intevention. Eg 1) Judges 20 verse 18 where he could have intervevned with his power when the Benjaminites were at Gibeahs door and helped avoid the sex crime that took place on the poor, innocent concubine(plus 22000 innocent soldiers dying ,who returned for avenge this serious crime.
2) 2 Samuel 12:15-23 God aborts Davids n Bathsheba's son. Whereas in Exodus 21: 22,23 he says killing an unborn child is deserving of death! two faced???Once again he could have intervened when david was palnning ways to bed Bathsheba.Perhaps send a prophet as he did for Job to see the folly of his ways, dont you think?
God so disappoints me everytime !
What do you think?
(sorry english is not up to scratch, not a native speaker)
i was wondering how many of us have switched to a vegetarian or vegan diet and why.
i'm not doing it but have friends who do.
lovely people and seem very healthy.
I am a vegetarian.Have been all my life. I am not a meat eater at all n never will. Just prefer fruit n veg's all the way. I do not follow a vegetarianism but love all fruit n veg's. My friends are meat eaters, I have no problems with that.
to me, breakfast can be served at any time of the day.
a local bar in my area serves breakfast all day long.
for 5 bucks you get 2 eggs any way you like, bacon sausage or ham with home fries and toast!!
I do break the rule occasionally and how!
I had a fruit smoothie today and went for a beautiful hike
(Translation: I got drunk on the wine and rolled down the stairs)
to me, breakfast can be served at any time of the day.
a local bar in my area serves breakfast all day long.
for 5 bucks you get 2 eggs any way you like, bacon sausage or ham with home fries and toast!!
I skip breakfast not much of a breakfast person. It is over-rated.
once again the mention of jesus was or has been very little this truly is an old testament cult with some sprinkles of pauline writings to help them in their doctrines.
i also noticed how mixed up the congregations are at this and probably other rcs.
some of the local congregations are here near the rcs site but also ones almost 100 miles away as well , yet other local congregations are not scheduled at this time.
At our convention I just showed my face to some in the morning before 10am,then as soon as session started left for sightseeing, shopping,chilling in my hotel room , went to the cinema n saw some movies (all 3 days), made 2new friends (worldly).Had a little holiday for myself.
once again the mention of jesus was or has been very little this truly is an old testament cult with some sprinkles of pauline writings to help them in their doctrines.
i also noticed how mixed up the congregations are at this and probably other rcs.
some of the local congregations are here near the rcs site but also ones almost 100 miles away as well , yet other local congregations are not scheduled at this time.
One of my friends is going to be at the sunday International convention uninvited (naming location skipped deliberately). is bad ass and will eat anyone who stops him/her alive. Cant wait for the week to be over and get some news of how it went.