Will do Magnum.
A taste:
"The present study is important coz this movement is one of denial, making converts, causing them to come under the condemnation of jesus spoken to the most zealous group of his day: matthew 23:15 woe to you , scribes an pharisees, hypocrites! For ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte; and when he is become so , ye make him twofold more a son of hell than yourselves!
..........Then the doctrines of this group are studied both in summary and by direct quotations from the publications of the WBTS.Their major doctrines are examined in the light of scripture, church history, sound biblical exposition, and the Witnesses own text books.
Next, since the NWT is being hailed by the witnesses as their authority in doctrine , there is a section which examines and evaluates the work from the original languages and from the standpoint of accepted scholars. Reasons are given why this translation should be rejected.Comments by other reviewers are also included." (excerpts from the book)
All in all I can say I find it true to their research, study and findings.I am enjoying reading it.