Since you are admitting that the elders are NOT the police, then you should also realize that they need to NOT try to handle a CRIMINAL MATTER. It is FINE to tell the parents that they have the right to press charges if they so wish. The problem is if you as an elder also nurture an aura of distrust and disdain for 'worldly authorities', you know as well as I do that they will be far less likely to go to the police who are better equipped to handle these CRIMINAL MATTERS. It doesn't matter if you don't discourage them to go to the police. What that means is you are not encouraging them to go to those better equipped to handle the situation either.
Do you not realize that a pedophile working with people using your methodology can have a hayday, because all they have to do is be able to look your straight in the eye and say: 'I didn't do it'? And even if they did confess... How many molesters simply confess to you as an elder that they committed the crime because they know that you won't turn them in to the police (in a non-reporting state)? Sure you don't openly condone their behavior, but you indirectly encourage it by providing them with a forum from which to 'feed' their extremely bad 'habit'.
You ask if anything is wrong with reporting? I would say YES, because nine times out of ten when it is NOT reported, then the ABUSER is free to ABUSE someone else because the VICTIM is silenced. It puts others in DANGER later on. Besides, even if you handled it within the congregation and kicked them out of your social-circle, you are kicking the perp out into the 'world' where they could then victimize even more INNOCENT CHILDREN. Are you such a creed-biggot that you cannot see that?
You ask what the goal is? The goal is to stop the abuse. Both of the current victim and potential other victims. Nine times out of ten if the perpatrator is not PUNISHED for their actions, they will continue to abuse others. I mean PUNISHED, not slapped on the wrist. I mean someone sitting for long hours behind bars and given plenty of time to think about how WRONG their actions were. I mean someone who has had to sit and think about all of the damage they have done to others. Damage that is usually irreversible to the victim.
You ask about the principle applying to molestation, and then you have the nerve to compare it to other 'infractions' in the congregation. Molestation is not the same as smoking a cigarette, it is A CRIME AGAINST ANOTHER LIVING BREATHING HUMAN BEING. I cannot believe you are even comparing the two, therefore I will refrain from further comment on this matter as I pitty you greatly for your ignorance.
You keep on EMPATHIZING and doing nothing else. That's what a pedophile WANTS YOU TO DO. Stay dumb and passive, while they prey on the innocent.
You mentioned that hind sight is sometimes 20/20. Great! If it's 20/20 and you realize it then FIX THE PROBLEM, DON'T PRETEND IT DOES NOT EXIST. You don't have the wonderful 'Image' in the public-eye that you had before, so it's time to forget about the congregations stupid image and start worrying about the victims.