RaymondFrantz, you are right about no person going to heaven before Christ and that Paradise is not in heaven, but regarding the Tartarus thing...
...if Tartarus is a literal physical place under the ground, then where under the ground is it? Like on a map, where? And if the demons are supposedly locked up there, why does the Bible show they are still harassing some people who are not also under the ground, including harassing some persons in heaven such as Jehovah and Jesus and the faithful angels, as is clear in Job and Revelation? If the demons were locked up in a literal physical underground chamber back during the days of Noah, then how did they get out to torture Job? How did Satan get out to heaven to taunt God in Job's day, and to tempt Jesus in the first century? And how did the demons get out and possess all those people in the days Jesus cast demons out of people in the first century? And if the demons are supposedly locked up in a physical place under the ground, why does Revelation say that after Jesus takes the throne in heaven he casts them down to earth? If they're already locked up in a physical place, how is it that they are set free and then cast down again?
If Tartarus is a literal physical place, then you must think Sheol is also a literal physical place? So then where is Sheol literally and physically? Also underground in a chamber somewhere? What about Gehenna? Do you think that is also a physical literal location? And how about the Mountain of Megiddo spoken of in Revelation? Is that a physical literal place? There was a physical Megiddo, but is "Megiddo" always a physical location regardless of how the Bible writer uses the word? And what about Zion spoken of in the Bible? Of course sometimes Zion is a literal place, like in ancient Jerusalem, but in Revelation or places in Isaiah, do you always take it to be a literal earthly physical location even if the context deems otherwise?
If some Jews or Greeks in the first century believed a myth about Tartarus it is of no consequence to me. There were a lot of people on the earth back then who believed untruths, just like today. The amount of time that goes by doesn't change untruth into truth. Those people who believed Tartarus is some literal physical place were wrong. Those people died. God doesn't die. God is True. His Word is true, and that truth doesn't change regardless of how much time goes by. His Word makes clear that Tartarus is not a literal physical place. The Bible was clear back when it was written on matters regarding death and life and it's still clear. "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight..."
You can believe what you want, you can read and believe "The Harrowing of Hell" if you want, but you'll do better sticking with what God had recorded in Ecclesiastes 12:11,12...
"The words of the wise are like oxgoads, and their collected sayings are like firmly embedded nails; they have been given from one shepherd. As for anything besides these, my son, be warned: To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion to them is wearisome to the flesh."