None of the GB are said to be "paid" or "hired" either, but sometimes "payment" comes in different ways.
Massimo Introvigne is a liar.
His article says:
"It is factually false that the Jehovah’s Witnesses do not inform secular authorities of believable reports of sexual abuse their elders have received, or worse, vengefully disfellowship victim of sexual abuse, or those who report incidents of sexual abuse to secular authorities. All manuals of instructions for Jehovah’s Witnesses elders clearly mandate that the laws of the land should be obeyed when they require that cases of sexual abuse should be reported to the secular authorities. In fact, even if there is no legal duty to report, congregation elders are instructed to report the matter if a minor is still in danger of abuse."
I am a victim of abuse in the congregation. The other elders covered for the elder and used every trick they could think of in order to cover for him. They broke their own rules recorded in the "Shepherd the Flock of God" book and they broke the clear commands of Jesus as recorded in the Bible.
The elders told me they weren't obliged to deal with the COBE until I talked to him first in harmony with Matthew 18.
When I called/wrote to the COBE to talk to him about the allegations, he wouldn't answer, so the elders said they didn't have to do the second part of Matthew 18.
Finally when COVID was fizzling down and meetings were going back in person, I told the elders I would speak with that COBE either before or after meeting at the KH so we could proceed with the next step. They went and got a trespassing ban so I couldn't go to the KH even though I never ever have disrupted a meeting in my life.
I was the one who got disfellowshipped when I warned the rest of the congregation via email of what was going on. I was accused of "reviling and causing divisions."
Eventually the elder I reported stepped down as HLC and COBE.
I am officially banned from meetings and conventions now because I went to the convention and still talked to my "friends" since I won't support the antichrist disfellowshipping doctrine.
Incidentally, over the course of several years I wrote to Bethel more times than I could count for "help" with the situation. No response until after I was disfellowshipped. Then Mark Sanderson sent back one of my letters with a big red stamp on it: "REJECTED".
Those men at Bethel are "paying" Massimo Introvigne with the same kind of "payment" they crave, worshipful esteem that belongs to God. They will "pay" anyone who does an act of worship to them, just like their god, their father the Devil.
"Again the Devil took him along to an unusually high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to him: “All these things I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me.” Then Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written: ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’”