Per request from PetrW🙂, some Revelation stuff...
The four horsemen didn't start in 1914 or earlier- the timing is once Jesus is enthroned in heaven.
The four angels holding back the winds of destruction are said to be at Euphrates, which was by Babylon. Babylon/religion. The winds of destruction are on the religious institutions.
The plagues in ancient Egypt were on religious fakers, to expose them. The plagues in Elijah's day exposed religious fakers. The plagues in Revelation expose religious fakers.
The plagues are not literal. They are figurative. Other parts of the Bible show that "hail" (like in Isaiah) can mean exposing lies. "Locusts" can mean other nations coming to take your stuff.
When the Watchtower (and other religious institutions) are torn down by governments taking away the real estate/financial holdings/etc, it will be clear Jesus has been enthroned in heaven and is figuratively "riding the white horse".
The congregations of Revelation represent all groups who claim to be Christian. They've all got issues. When Jesus is enthroned, he'll clean things up and get rid of the divisions.
The "angels" of Revelation chapter 1 are actually "angels", not "elders".
Spirit creatures can materialize. In the latter part of Revelation when it talks about the New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven and God's tent with mankind, that implies those in the kingdom government and Jesus and Jehovah himself will visibly and individually interact with those on earth, not just from a distance, just like in Eden God walked with Adam every day in the breezy part of the day.
"He will wipe every tear out of their eyes."
God is not partial. The whole universal family will get to hang out.