@enoughisenough, I am so sorry you had to go through that experience - during a time of pain when you needed comfort and encouragement more than ever, instead those guys heaped on the insult and injury - I am so sorry for what you had to endure...I know you are stronger for it now and obviously able to comfort and encourage others in similar situations, but it's still awful that you had to go through it...💖💝💞
"all who are out should be happy to be free of the lies, manipulation, guilt mongering, etc...nonsense...it's hard not to look back and feel cheated, but really we should rejoice for the freedom to think ! ( and not wonder if we are allowed to say a certain thing or not without being called into the backroom."
Amen!🥰🫶 Jehovah's spirit certainly isn't with those dudes and their "backroom" shenanigans. They're full of something, and it's not holy. 🙄. Jehovah is the God of Truth. He'll make sure the truth is told about the JWborg. I pray for Jehovah's holy spirit on this event and events and articles like it: https://www.befree2023.com. Let the WTBT$ be fully exposed and torn down, the "slaves" of the GB/FDS/elders/COs/Bethels be freed, and Jehovah's name cleared of reproach.
"...where the spirit of Jehovah is, there is freedom."💖