When I reported physical abuse by an elder and domestic assault by a family member, I lost the privilege of attending auxiliary pioneer meeting with the visiting CO.
When I called the police regarding a domestic abuse incident and the state ordered the other party to stay out of the home for one year, I lost my privilege of auxiliary pioneering.
When I continued to both ask for help and to warn others in the circuit about some stuff going on, I lost my privilege to help out in foreign language congregations and had to go back solely to English.
When I refused to stop warning others in the congregation about the elder I had reported (who was still serving) and how the other elders and Bethel were mishandling it to the danger of the congregation members, I lost my privilege of receiving literature (had to print my own) and my privilege of them "supporting my ministry" (I couldn't check out territory anymore - had to just go wherever or write to whoever.)
When I refused to say "Amen" to the prayers of the elders during Zoom meetings, I lost my privilege of attending Zoom meetings. (They revoked my privilege of attending Zoom meetings.)
When I kept asking them to help me meet with said abusive elder either before or after meeting so they could get their evidence to proceed with removing him (because either way he would have answered my questions he would have incriminated himself and he knew it, and so did they), they revoked my privilege of attending in person meetings.
Then they disfellowshipped me for false charges of "reviling and causing divisions", which revoked my privilege of being called "one of Jehovah's Witnesses".
When I still talked to people before and after conventions/assemblies to say hello (since many of them didn't know I was disfellowshipped yet), then they revoked my privilege of attending assemblies.