I'm scared about it.
unless you've been hibernating under a rock for the last couple of years, you're probably aware that ai is the new hotness.. chatgpt gets a lot of attention but equally amazing is how capable ai is at generating art.
if you'd been ask to name anything that would be the last holdout for humans, creative arts such as writing, painting, and music would probably be some of the things at the top of the list.. yet those seem to be the things that ai can do best.. it's fascinating to use the tools, but one thing you realize is that they are just combining patterns and shapes, there isn't yet any real "intelligence", artificial or otherwise.. as an example, you can ask it to create a painting in the style or a particular artist, with a whole raft of things you want to include.
it will do a great job on first glance, but can often give people more arms or fingers than is normal, and lamp-posts can grow to different heights, like trees.
I'm scared about it.
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
A new JWD scandal in the making 🤣🤣🤣
in the jw library app the following news is presented:.
seems an attack on april 4, memorial day.
I think so!
in the jw library app the following news is presented:.
seems an attack on april 4, memorial day.
In the JW Library app the following news is presented:
Seems an attack on april 4, memorial day.
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
From a human standpoint I hope AM3 feels better then ever.
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
mass shooting at a kingdom hall in hamburg, germany this evening.
at least 6 or 7 killed, dozens injured.
single shooter on the run, police doesn't rule out more shooters.
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
At a recent broadcasting he said openly he did not believe in the 1975 proficy..
“and in revelation chapter 6, the ride of the fourth horseman includes mention of deadly plague.
so the events unfolding around us are making clearer than ever that we’re living in the final part of the last days.
Since he said on broadcasting that if the elders ask you to paint the kingdom hall with a teethbrush you have to listen and do so, I can't take him serious anymore.
Take care for these corporate liars