Topics Started by Gorb
King of the North / South predictions
by Gorb induring my lifetime since 1970 (2008 we faded out of it all) i read and heared a lot of the king of the north and the south.. but about an aliance between the two kings, that was not a scenario, wasn't it?.
Erich Honecker quote about hair
by Gorb intoday i read a quote of erich honecker, leader of east germany about hear.
it made me think abount the current "beard" changes at he said "people's hair length is not important.
it is what's in the heads that hair grows on".. gorby.
Serious sinner?
by Gorb inwith the statement in the study watchtower this sunday, that stop serving jehovah is a serious sin, the following:.
- can i conclude now, that we, (i, wife and 2 children), since 2008 pomo and no longer active in any religious activity, are serious sinners for jehovahs witnesses?.
writing this in a watchtower, a statement like that, could have big implications.. it makes me so sad.
Do you recognize this?
by Gorb inthinking sometimes about my youth days and the stories my grandfather told me about our jw congregation.
do you recognize that your congregation was full of somehowe strange folks, very low educated, poor and simple?.
the po was an elder with some distance, with some personality acting intelligent and following the rules strict.. there was always a kind of scandal.
by Gorb insince the begin of this millennium, when i became pimo on the way to pomo, i started higher education and made some promotion that lead to a higher management position.. i'm a regional manager now, acting in a management team and stakeholder manager.. in this position, we do intense feedback, coaching trajects et cetera, that goes under the waterline.
a issue i have to deal with is distrust.
i made an analyse of myself and found out that i don't trust the intentions of many of my stakeholders.. i want to do something about this, to become a better person and making further progression.. could it be jw upbringing related?
Pomo because of Proclaimers book, 1995 generation change and Daniel prophecy book
by Gorb inhave some time thinking about my recent and less recent personal history because of the summer holiday.. the 90's crossed my mind.
the years i became pimo.
a friend, a room mate during the 1993 moscow international convention, went to university.
Sad observation
by Gorb inreading about rules changes these days gives me a sad observation.. everything what "is" today, can be gone tomorrow.. that makes it all worthless.
you were an elder, searching for evidence, and proof to df a person.
because he or she was not humble enough.
Olympic games/ keep on the watch
by Gorb inthe main article on is about the succesfull olympic games 2024 in paris.. many withness watch all the sport episodes of the games, but comes with a sour story about the games and not reaching real peace.. again is on the wrong side of history a d doesn't feel the public anx jw opinion.
the closing remarks of the ioc president bach, thaf the games will not reach peace but plant peace in the hart of people was a strong message.. the organization and message of the games is all that wants to, but can't.. very sad and narrow minded, as ever.
Relevant message on Reddit about current elders
by Gorb inread this relevant message on reddit, about current elders..
spot on, isn't it?.
Nice topic on Linkedin
by Gorb ini think we have to see like the corporations named in the topic on linkedin:.
jon davids.. 3e+ ceo of influicity | author of .... .
mcdonald's does it.