has anyone ever come across the youtube channel that uses legos through stop motion animation to make fun of the witnesses?.
it's called dubtown but the channel is under the name kevin mcfree.
the creator sounds british.
the twickenham post made me think of this.
i have a few jw family members on facebook and being summertime, their pics of the convention have shown up in my fb feed.
along with their comments about "i wished it would never end" or "what a glorious weekend".
we from the old year books that some kgb undercover agents became elders in high up positions.. i wonder if this is going on today?
not just in russia but other congregations around the world?.
when you think how long it takes to become an elder and all the talks and maybe judicial committees they were involved with.. anyway i’m just throwing it out there if someone wanted to pay me i am a current elder who is pima about intelligence or chance involved with the origin of the universe.. .
my grandfather who has been dead for 37 years would not recognise the borganisation today.
he would turn in his grave if he knew the end didn’t come by 2023.. back in the 1970s he really believed in the 75 thing.
he was so disappointed and almost blamed everyone else why the end didn’t come.
yes, there’s a post on reddit.
it says that after a zoom meeting a request was made to baptized publishers to give $20 apiece to fix this elder’s car.. while this sounds highly irregular to me and not necessarily approved by the religion, i am not at all surprised at the nerve.
this, unfortunately, seems to be the direction that things are going there!
haven't been to a meeting in 13 years.
family that lives 1300 miles away doesn't know.
just visited them and here is what i observed.
i believe this list which many of us worked on needs to see the light of day again...and added to if possible.. you know you are in the wrong religion:1. when the all important question is not: "do you believe in the lord jesus christ?"....but....
"do you believe in the "faithful and discreet slave" appointed in brooklyn in 1919?"2.
when you will be refused baptism if: a. you don't believe jerusalem was destroyed in 607 bc (whereas all non-jw scholars, all encyclopedias and all history books say this event took place in 587 bc.)b.
The 1995 generation change opened my eyes (and because of many deep conversations with a then good jw friend at university, some other trusted friends and a phd professor from University) and after I read Franz books, I lost all my trust in the Watchtower organization.
It was a special time in my life, I remember now. Investigate the religion, 4th generation Witness, asking questions and evenings of discussions with good friends, humour and wine. It was in the coming out of age in my youth years, from 1995 to 2000.
It changed me for good. Later on our group of best friends fall apart and we live our own lives.
So thankfull, became PIMO and now POMO.
Followed university and life blessed us with 2 children, stable family life and good jobs.
52 years of age now, and very thankfull.
Realise that choosing the path to exit a group like, is not always easy. It felt scary, heavy, sad and I had to go through many stages of feelings.
Sometimes I miss the old group of jw's be ause of the social activity.
Don't think that you can switch from to another group. Good friends are rare. You will be on your own and through the years you will find people that connect.
But, after all we are so thankfull to be independent. No group thinking anymore and no more confrontation to nonsense and anti science, anti democratic and anti everything in the Kingdom hall.
A sometimes happy (because life is not 365 days a year happyness), proud and thankfull Gorby
a good question is would you be more happy not knowing what you now know?.
were you more happy pimi?
are all the pimis more happy than the the pimos or the pomos?.
How more you know, how more you realise you don't know.
The same with your state of mind. How more you realise, you see that you can not always be happy.
Always happy says a lot about someone. It is not realistic, it's fake.
So, since being out of, i'm happy about many aspects of life, and less happy about some other subject. And try to grow, make choices, and learn from things that went wrong.
Life is that what goes unexpected.