I get it, Elderberry, many wasted their lives in bondage to this cult. Hang in there, life gets better. 😊🙏🏻
Posts by Biahi
Nobody else understands
by ElderBerry inif you once were fully pimi and truly believed jw doctrine to the core like i once did, when you come to the reality that it is not the truth at all it can be extremely devastating.. i think only other ex jws could ever understand.
i wasted my entire life i thought the real life was yet to come to wasted the best years knocking on doors.
now i’m so angry.. i can understand why so many top themselves when they realise it was all lies..
No Reporting of Time, Tithing is OK, Now WT Teaches a "Rapture" - What's Next?
by Sea Breeze inthose who will be taken to heaven will first need to be “changed, in a moment, in the blink of an eye, during the last trumpet.” therefore, while we do not use the term “rapture” here because of its wrong connotation, the remaining faithful anointed will be gathered together in an instant of time.
- the watchtower—study edition | july 2015. ok so they refuse to use the word "rapture".
kinda like they refuse to use the word church and clergy (except when it suits their purposes in court cases).
For the children’s sake, I hope holidays are next to be OK.
The ''dreaded'' birthday cake
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | september 2023. study article 39. let mildness be your strength.
11 if a workmate asks, for example, why we do not celebrate birthdays, consider: could he be wondering whether we are allowed to have a good time?
or might he feel that our position will dampen the company’s team spirit?
Agree, hoser, it creates an “us against them” mentality.
JW Restrictions on Children
by NotFormer inissues raised in this thread:.
i'm trying to list all the things jw children are not allowed to do, or are discouraged from doing.
The problem with a joyless childhood is why two thirds leave as adults, I am one of them.
How Do Jehovah's Witnesses View Education?
by southyukon ini have a question about this article.. https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/jw-education-school/.
higher education can lead to moral and spiritual dangers.
a bible proverb says: "the shrewd one sees the danger and conceals himself.
Folded and Fedup, my mom told me if I ‘think too much’, I could think myself right out of da troof. 🤮 Haha, I guess I did.
Are Jw's God's Organization?
by wantingtruth inhere i will quote a post written by "littleone" on another forum:.
when that original congregation apostasized, it formed the roman catholic church.
was it that the roman catholic church was jehovah's organization?
Are JW’s God’s organization? No.
How Do Jehovah's Witnesses View Education?
by southyukon ini have a question about this article.. https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/jw-education-school/.
higher education can lead to moral and spiritual dangers.
a bible proverb says: "the shrewd one sees the danger and conceals himself.
Completely agree with FFGhost. In addition, any kids who want to leave the organization when they reach young adulthood, they prefer them to be condemned to lesser education, so it is more difficult to make a decent living. Then they can point a finger and say, “This is what happens when you leave Jehovah.”
2 Jehovah's Witness Elders give evidence in Court, others did not, will the 2 be punished for giving evidence?
by was a new boy in'man guilty of abuse — after silence from church members.
a jehovah’s witness has been found guilty of sexually abusing a teen over a number of years – after the silence of church members who refused to give evidence.'.
Since when do you need permission from anyone to arrange a camping trip with friends?
anniversary of JFK assassination
by desbah inthis is for all the ex-jw's on that dreadful day..... do you remember where you were when jfk was shot in dallas, tx?
I was barely 4 years old, my mom was sobbing, and saying, over and over, “he loved Jehovah’s Witnesses, he loved Jehovah’s Witnesses.” I became so scared, because I thought we were all going to be tossed into jail or something. (I was only 4). I thought this president was the only thing keeping us from persecution. I became scared, too.
What are 5 Things You are Grateful for this Thanksgiving 2023 ?
by Sea Breeze inhere in america, we have a tradition to set aside one day to be especially grateful.
that day is today.
the psychological benifits of being grateful is well known and promoted by business experts, healthcare professionals, secularists, believers ... you name it.
I’m thankful I am away from the toxic work environment (USPS, retired)
Thankful for my wonderful husband, daughter, and grandchildren
Thankful I left JW when I was 23, which gave me enough time to work and prepare for retirement
Thankful that these forums exist, which validates the feelings I always had
Thankful for the delicious turkey dinner which I enjoyed very much