Welcome to the forum, Bettyhumpter, are you an ExJW? Tell us a bit about yourself, no specifics though. After the thousand years, I guess everyone will be wearing their “native garb”, or else long skirts for women, and khakis and polos for men. The men will all be clean shaven also. Check with the beloved governing body for the latest teaching. They have the direct pipeline to God, dontcha know. 💩
Posts by Biahi
Naked in the New World
by neat blue dog ini know there was a painting of a woman being resurrected naked and someone coming to greet her holding clothes, but what about after perfection, after the thousand years?.
the idea is we're supposed to achieve what adam lost by returning to human perfection, so wouldn't that include not wearing clothes, especially as the act of adam and eve hiding in the trees and sewing fig leaves signified shame, and imperfection passed on through the reproductive organs.
has the wt ever addressed this?
Sarah Kellen - Victim or Vixen?
by Sea Breeze insarah kellen has been described as jeffery epstein's 'lieutenant' for allegedly sourcing and booking girls for 'massages'.. kellen’s [jehovah's witness] parents said they knew almost nothing about what their daughter’s duties involved because they became estranged from her at around the time she took the job with epstein when she was aged 18 or 19.. the split with her family came after kellen was thrown out of the church for allegedly leading an “immoral” lifestyle:.
sarah’s parents told the daily mail they love her and would welcome her back as long as she rejoins the church and shows them she’s committed to the faith.. so, is she a victim or a sly fox?.
News from Silentlambs on Erica Garza (Washington State)
by blondie inrecent newsletter from silentlambs.com updates.
i wanted to give a couple of updates for silentlambs and let everyone know we are busy behind the scenes.
new reports come in everyday and many are being helped with their situations.
Thank you for bumping this, I’ve looked at the silent lambs website, and was surprised to see that a woman who I was in the same congregation with , (we were friends), was listed on there as a hero. I know there was at least one molester in my congregation, and I think more than one, but I was not personally affected by it. I think my elder dad knew who they were, and kept me away. This organization is truly evil, and must be brought to justice.
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Grow up as a JW.
by fulano inmaybe a bit silly topic but i was watching some youtube films of the city where i grew up as a jw child.
i saw some youngsters fishing.. i was never allowed to:.
fishing, playing after school with boys from the neighbourhood, sing songs: birthday, christmas, santa claus (sinterklaas that is 5th dec), celebrate and treat your birthday, playing soccer/football with wordly boys in a club, dating girls untill i just did at 21 (yes jw girls, one kiss a week), work week, senior trip with the class, go to disco, have long hair in the seventies, wear jeans.. now the old bastards in their ninetees are wondering why we don’t want to see them anymore.
Yes, Fulano, I was not allowed to do ‘normal’ things either. I just wanted to be normal, and fit In, and not be a misfit. This was not allowed, I was forced to be a weirdo, and I didn’t want to be. Completely humiliating childhood. I vowed to myself, as a child, never to bring a child into the world if that child would be raised as a JW, and I didn’t. And, since JW’s love to point fingers, my JW relatives have been completely silent about my beautiful, in shape, law-abiding, college educated daughter, who has a happy life, completely free of cult teachings.
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Watchtower vs Islam: Why the deafening silence?
by raymond frantz inwhy has the watchtower failed spectacularly to evangelize to the muslims?
considering the recent influx of muslim people in european countries you would think that some attempt from the religion that touts the are preaching the good news of the kingdom in all the inhabited earth would have been made.instead the only meaningful attempt dates back to 1953 ,almost 70 years ago!!!!
book " man's search for god.what do you think?
Do you pray?
by Fisherman ini’ve always had a personal relationship with god that is not affected by any issues or controversies i have with anybody..
Do you pray?
by Fisherman ini’ve always had a personal relationship with god that is not affected by any issues or controversies i have with anybody..
making out like a bandit
by enoughisenough inhere is a practice i only recently learned about and am actually interested in learning more details...some of you may have experience on the subject.
i always thought it marvelous, loving, and kind how the brothers would go in ( at their own expense) after disasters and repair homes of the witnesses who had been adversely effected.
i personally have worked freely helping to clean and repair after flooding.
I just remembered this. After hurricane Katrina, my daughter, along with a group of high school students, went to New Orleans to assist with clean up. They were with our church group, and we contacted a church down there to assist. They had a family all lined up, not a member of their church, just a family in need of help. The kids were brought to a house in Ward 9, and asked to take it down to the studs. It took them the full week. She showed me pictures, the mold was halfway up the wall. The family was very thankful, the kids helped someone, developed camaraderie, and learned things about those less fortunate. They also got to eat beignet’s, and on the way home, got to see Elvis’s mansion. It was a great character builder. She loved it, and the junior pastor, who led the trip with his wife, performed her marriage ceremony when she was 22. 😀👍🏻🙏
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Do you believe that this life is all there is
by Fisherman inthe bible records resurrections and there is orher evidence besides that gives hope.
what do you think, is there enough evidence to believe in another life?.
Has anyone read the book, entitled Heaven is for Real? It’s about a boy named Colton Burpo, who died at age 4, due to a burst appendix. He was dead for about 4 or 5 minutes. When he was revived by the doctors, they claimed it was a miracle. His dad was fervently praying for him at that time, and Jesus told him he had to go back. Over a period of time, his parents realized he had truly been in heaven. For instance, his mother had a miscarriage before he was born. They never mentioned this event to him, yet he told his parents he had met her there. Quite an interesting read.
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Did you ever meet someone born in the 1800’s?
by Fisherman ini met freddie franz who was born in the 1880’s and many others from the 1880’s.
but as a very small child i remember someone very old aged 106 and that person was born around 1856 which means that he was around people from the 1700’s..