This song like all the newer songs in the KH sounds terrible even minus the subconscience obey instruction every song that wasnt in the old pink songbooks is just terrible,who is composing this mess do they even have eardrums?All the songs sound like someone just mashed there fingers on the piano and recorded offbeat words...sigh.My wife who was never a jw listens to these songs and says wtf!! they sound like cats in a sack nuff said.
JoinedPosts by 20yearfader
An interesting YouTube experiment, JWs straying onto an "apostate" channel
by cedars insome time ago i uploaded a video to youtube that was a medley of different young ones singing "listen obey and be blessed.
" as you can imagine, it's rather creepy.. here it is....
my intention in making the video was twofold.
An interesting YouTube experiment, JWs straying onto an "apostate" channel
by cedars insome time ago i uploaded a video to youtube that was a medley of different young ones singing "listen obey and be blessed.
" as you can imagine, it's rather creepy.. here it is....
my intention in making the video was twofold.
This song like all the newer songs in the KH sounds terrible even minus the subconscience obey instruction every song that wasnt in the old pink songbooks is just terrible,who is composing this mess do they even have eardrums?All the songs sound like someone just mashed there fingers on the piano and recorded offbeat words...sigh.My wife who was never a jw listens to these songs and says wtf!! they sound like cats in a sack nuff said.
January 2013 warns parents to resist contact with df'd children again
by stuckinlimbo insee page 15-16. full of "straw men" like:.
* do not blame yourself it is the child that jehovah blames - parents do not care whose fault it is they just want their child not to be killed by god.
* it is ok for parents to hope their df'd child returns - was anybody really asking if that was wrong?.
The WT society faithfully destroying families for over 100 years.I hope the ones on the fence wake up and say no more this is the final straw.
Which of the 5 weekly meetings did you hate the most?
by RULES & REGULATIONS init was always stressed that the five weekly meetings were like the fingers on your hand.
each one was just as important as the next.
which of the meetings were the most boring,bothersome and difficult to listen to?
Oh and i hated the 1 hour public talk and wt study i became a master at sleeping with one eye open.The eye on the side of my parents would remain open whilst my other one was completely closed,i like to think i was one of the very few witnesses that could do that lol.
Which of the 5 weekly meetings did you hate the most?
by RULES & REGULATIONS init was always stressed that the five weekly meetings were like the fingers on your hand.
each one was just as important as the next.
which of the meetings were the most boring,bothersome and difficult to listen to?
I would have to say field service, i hated feild service that was one of the reasons my father kicked me out of the house at 17.I remember getting public reproofed and hearing about my restrictions hoping and praying field service was now a restriction.My father ran down the list of what i could and couldn't do, couldn't carry the mic,couldn't comment at the meetings.....but the quickest way back he said was to increase my field service time i was like noooooooooooo.Why the hell would you want me in field service knocking on doors if i sinned?So after 4 months of posting 1 or no hours he told me to hit the road little did he know he set me on the path to freedom.
old JW friends
by d ini see some old jw's i grew up with and feel bad for them.
the reason is because they seem so lost and misguided.
do you ever feel the same way?.
indeed i knew a friend that left around the same time i did he sold drugs got robbed and killed a person during the robbery he was sentenced to 20 years he attended meetings in prison. I recently saw him at one of my relatives funerals, he greeted me warmly i saw him on facebook i sent an invite and he told me "i have to check your status in the org".Hello are you serious no matter what iv'e done i havent commited a murder. Even in that org a murder in good standing is superior to an inactive or df sad
im so stressed im throwing up
by unstopableravens init just all hit me at once,i was with a friend earlier talking and i felt really good after our talk.
went down my moms,and wifey text me she going to meeting,and all this stress and anxiety hit me all at once.
this crazey it consumes my mind and no my body.
can't argue with you there puff enjoy the win over my ravens we will see you guys in four more years.Once we upset the broncos next week raven will feel a lot better.Though i faded i still refuse to talk to my witness family their to robotic.All you ever hear is when are you coming back ..sometimes i wished i was shunned it would stop all the stupid questions
im so stressed im throwing up
by unstopableravens init just all hit me at once,i was with a friend earlier talking and i felt really good after our talk.
went down my moms,and wifey text me she going to meeting,and all this stress and anxiety hit me all at once.
this crazey it consumes my mind and no my body.
hey raven watch this ill take your mind off of the stress in your life. hey puff are you a deadskin fan? an if so rest assured that those bums are going nowhere but home to watch the ravens in the playoffs
im so stressed im throwing up
by unstopableravens init just all hit me at once,i was with a friend earlier talking and i felt really good after our talk.
went down my moms,and wifey text me she going to meeting,and all this stress and anxiety hit me all at once.
this crazey it consumes my mind and no my body.
stay strong raven i never understood how shunning a family member or friend would make them want to return.....if anything it would piss them off.
WHAT ARE YOUR MOST VIVID, ODD, or FUNNY Memories of Conventions and Assemblies of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by Balaamsass inshare with us memories of the bizarre, funny, strange, what you hated, what you miss...we all have them.
(question..why the big to do between terms- convention and assembly .
I really remember the color coded tickets we use to get at the capital center in d.c. how the extra tickets i would save for the next year and they would change the color lol.