This entire post is completely absurd.
JoinedPosts by TheEye
Attack on Iraq a Bush family thing..
by kelsey007 incnn reports that: .
and, in discussing the threat posed by iraqi president saddam hussein, bush said: "after all, this is the guy who tried to kill my dad.
by U.2.K. inanybody have any crazy dreams lately?
i had 3 dreams last month, about a.r.m.a.g.e.d.d.o.n., even tho nobody knows how it's gonna look, we do know that it's the war between king jesus vs satan,... anyway i was dreaming that i was hid(save) on the day of the lord, fire & brimstone was every where, and after armageddon took place, the earth switch back into a paradise, and then i woke up crying for about 6 min's... .
could of been a dream from jehovah god, but since jesus christ is in control right time, could of been from him... .
Sometimes a banana is just a banana.
Statement That All should Read!
by U.2.K. injehovah was peace before he made "man", jehovah was peace after he made "man", and jehovah still is peace, so why do we continue to fight?
people who engage in violence/war are foolish, and they knoweth nothing, cause if they knoweth anything they would'nt fight.
when people go to war, they is not killing their enemies, they are only killing more & more of god's children, for the simply fact that we all is god's children...millions fight over lands, but as i mention before this life is not suppose what it's suppose to be, visions of the earthly paradise that was plan from the beginning was jehovah plan, in reality, all of mankind is suppose to enjoy each other visits, from one part of the earth, to other.. why you be so ignorant of the visions of the armageddon messiah?
Jehovah of armies is peace?
If you read the Old Testament, then you would know that the Jehovah which is written about is a most violent god.
Evidence of creation?
by chappy innot trying to start a discussion about extra-terrestrial life, but i assume that most feel it to be a rather strong possibility whether your belief is in creation, evolution or both.. i agree that discovery of intelligent life outside this world doesn't prove creation.
suppose however that such life were discovered and that it was of the homo-saphien variety?
what would be the odds of this happening through pure evolution?
No. There are many things that could explain such an occurance.
Are Jehovah's Witnesses a Cult?
by trevor inmind control.
when one is a member of a group such as jehovahs witnesses, it is not possible to be aware of the degree to which personal freedoms that are normally taken for granted are lost.
the mind-control techniques used by the watchtower society are by no means unique.
Questions about Satanism and the Occult
by Ashraven ini was just wondering what thoughts some of you may have on the topic of satanism and/or the occult.
i doubt that i am alone in my curiosity, being that we were told that the "practice of spiritism is detestable to jehovah" and all that, but now are free to explore as we wish.... i've actually embraced certain views after a few years of self-discovery, and now have zero fear in acknowledging the fact that i do find the subject interesting enough to practice.. i may or may not get "slammed" for having certain opinions.
just wondered if others have gone in an entirely opposite direction since leaving "the truth"... (i always hated it being called that...).
Have you ever read Crowley's work?
When you reach the end of the universe...
by speechless inthis thought often crosses my mind.... what happens when you reach the end of the universe?
if you believe god created the universe, then surely there is something more than the universe.
if anybody knows of any links to articles on the subject, please post.
If you want to know what is "outside" the universe, then the answer is other universes.
'Apostate' or something better???
by Latte indear all,.
i desperately feel that the grand title of apostate applies no more to ex jws than it does to the whole of active jws.. therefore, i am asking for some sort of alternative title for the wonderful people who post on here.
the word apostate strikes fear in the average dub.
I know. How about "Smart".
Death of Free Speech
by chappy ina little off topic for the board, but i thought it was applicable to the times.. .
the death of free speech.
by doug patton.
That about sums it up. Good post.
the ole free the lose minds website is begging
by malcomx insniff sniff donations people we have no money to hold together this site of foolishness all these socalled educated people could u please give money!sniff i though the org was broke but jehovah protects them .
we also need meteor insurance send me some companies thanks free the lose minds.........
belbab...In case it wasn't entirely obvious, I was proving the point that he can't spell either.