I was hoping someone would make a post and supply me with the kind of info you did Xander
cross my fingers and hope this works.
beat that and more to come.
homer simpson and a tiger
I was hoping someone would make a post and supply me with the kind of info you did Xander
http://www.watchtower.org .
do you notice anything pecular?
I noticed the Sub-Title
Cautious as Serpents
Wonder who they are talking about?
Themselves ar somebody else.
Really slick (from 1993?).
cross my fingers and hope this works.
beat that and more to come.
homer simpson and a tiger
/ \
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/ \ doh!
my heart is pounding so fast right now...... (takes deep breath).
ok.......... the house across the street stayed empty a long time.
finally it was bought and soon rented out to what appeared at first, a group of college kids.
I know, and thanks
actually schizophrenic [8>]
Roses are Red
Violets are blue
I am Schizophrenic
and so am i...
eman if you are reading this, i thought you might enjoy knowing my sister is dating an englishman in his own right.
never has been jw, and she da'd 7 years ago.. this weekend they were hiking in the woods and as he was zipping his pants, he remarked summat like, "i've gotten me bits caught in me zipper!".
she had a good laugh at his expense, as did i when she told me the story.. so what do you think?
There's a hilarious scene with Ben Stiller in the movie
There's Something About Mary (1998)
Ouch, isn't the word.
i just today found this forum and read these discussion in here, some good stuff found, thanks.
reason why i'm here is, because one of my friend is jehovah witness, and we have discussed many things.
i myself don't know very much about bible.
Words are purely abstract concepts. It is WE who attach meaning to them.
When I say the word "tree," what does that really mean? To another person who does not understand English at all, the word "tree" has absolutely no meaning. It first has to be "translated" to something they understand and relate to. If a word has to be made up or created so that the meaning is properly conveyed according to the rules of that language then so be it. A new word is coined for that language.
Language is dynamic. So to say that God's name is NOT "Jehovah" is plainly and simply incorrect. In fact since language is based on abstract concepts and pronunciation is unique to each language to say that God's name is NOT "Jehovah" has no real meaning and is completely arbitrary in this context.
Also, If I am speaking another language, say Chinese or what ever other language "foreign" to me, does that mean that in every language everyone ones says "Jehovah" as it is pronounced in English? Don't be ridiculous.
my heart is pounding so fast right now...... (takes deep breath).
ok.......... the house across the street stayed empty a long time.
finally it was bought and soon rented out to what appeared at first, a group of college kids.
I snuck off over there to get a closer look at the steaming pile.
Not only did it have pieces of the WT and A! it had buttons and pieces of calico. Now I KNOW they Hobo-witnesses. Or at least the dog is anyway.
cross my fingers and hope this works.
beat that and more to come.
homer simpson and a tiger
damn! I'll get this right yet. Can you tell I'm obsessed?
:-) -: Smilie with erection
:-) 8 - Female Smilie
:-| 8 ( ) - Pregnant Smilie
:-( :- Impotent (or let down) Smilie
:-( -8 Blue Balls (or the Hawaiian disease, Lack-ah-nookie)
;-) o===8 the Braggart (or the John Holmes) Smilie
;-) ===8 the circumcised Braggart (or the circumcised John
Holmes) Smilie
:-\ 8o after a cold shower Smilie
8-O --* just before doubling over with pain Smilie
:-) -^-: in need of corrective surgery Smilie
:-) :-... taking a leak Smilie
:-} -oo-: taking matters into hand Smilie
:-{ -__-: after slamming the toilet seat Smilie
:-o ^^: after zipping up fly (zipper) too fast Smilie
cross my fingers and hope this works.
beat that and more to come.
homer simpson and a tiger
`6_ 6 ) `-. ( ).`-.__.`)
(_Y_.)' ) `._ `. ``-..-'
..`--'_..-_/ /--'_.' ,'
(il),-'' (li),' ((!.-'
my heart is pounding so fast right now...... (takes deep breath).
ok.......... the house across the street stayed empty a long time.
finally it was bought and soon rented out to what appeared at first, a group of college kids.
OMG my neighbor just stepped in a pile of warm dog dooh.
I wonder if it stinks?
What did the dog have for lunch?
Did it lie to the side or pile up like a pyramid? Is his name Egypt then?
I will let you know.
To be cont'd