<-- That's me at the top at Whistler. September, 2000 on my honeymoon.
on sunday my husband and i drove to whistler for a few days without kids.
our first time leaving them overnight.
the kids were very excited at the prospect of a sleepover with grandma (mulan) and we were able to escape with no tears...yay!
<-- That's me at the top at Whistler. September, 2000 on my honeymoon.
i posted this 28 minutes after someone beat me to it.
i missed stevie1's post because when i looked it was in the "belief's and doctrine" section.
sorry for the goof.
Joseph's comment
"The easiest way out of this is to say that both classes of Christians had been selected "in parallel" during these two millenia, not one after the other as they now believe, and that the 144000 are not yet selected, and for that reason "the end" has not come."I like this idea. I can imagine that if this does become doctrine many will conclude they are of the heavenly calling as well. The 2004 memorial attendance will be 15,553,310 the number partaking 6,296,130.
just heard my dogs barking at someone outside so i went to the window where i could here 2 men talking.
they were stood next to my trike and a freinds harley wich is parked outside and i heard them say.... first j/w.
"shall we knock here?".
One of those JWs could be my oldest brother!
I had an e-mail from Paul about the WOMAN article that you posted earlier. Would you e-mail me, I'd like to know if we have any connections.
mailto: [email protected]
the february issue of kingdom ministry in britain issues a warning to presiding overseers that they must stop auditing congregation accounts.
it advises presiding overseers that they are contravening the charities act by doing the audit.
instead service committees are now to appoint someone to do the audit.. strange things seem to be happening in britain!
I heard of money being stolen from the congregation by elders and others in the UK. The one case a CO related was of a congregation that had 12,000 GBP stolen before being caught.
The accounting procedures were revised in the early 90s. As a former accounts servant I used to do the audit on behalf of the PO. The March 1995, KM for Britain says in the announcements, "The presiding overseer or someone appointed by him should audit the congregation's accounts on March 1..."
Thirdson never played at witness weddings?.
its not a hymn, after all.
also, i recall that in my dubbing days, the wt said it was ok to play classical music over the pa system.
When Mrs Thirdson and I got married we noted that the "wedding march" was specifically ruled out too. At the Cathedral where we were married there is a strict code on what is considered to be appropriate music. At least there is a huge choice of music and we were aided by a friend who is the music director at a local Roman Catholic church. He arranged the music, improvised a piece based on our favorite hymns and played the piano and the cathedral organ at our wedding as a wedding gift.
Despite our small wedding (about 70 people) I wanted to have two hymns sung as well. We had nice, appropriate hymns and left out words like "Marriage is God's arrangement; by him it was designed: it forms a bond of union; brings blessings to mankind."
PS. Kismet told us this before but song 117 *Marriage--God's Arrangement" can be sung to the tune of the Muppet show.
yes this has been done before... but there are lots of new posters soooooo... what's your sign?
do you know your whole chart?
i do astrology stuff and tarot yada yada, so if ya want i can do your whole chart for you and stuff, or compatibility charts too, but i need exact time of birth.
I noticed that several posters listed the time in addition to thier birth date. Is this important? If it is, doesn't the time zone (EST, CST, GMT or GMT-6) count?
PS When I was a dub and people asked what sign I was born under I used to say my sign was "Oxygen in use - No Smoking". Unfortunately, that was a lie as I was born at home.
There are lots of good classics and most of mine have already been mentioned.
Not sure if anyone listed "Singing in the Rain" or "To Kill a Mocking Bird"
(There is a house just down the trail from mine. I have asked several people including my mother when she visited the US a couple of years back, who's house does that remind you of and they all say Boo Radley's!)
I agree with Booze Runner, Sidney Poitier is a fine actor and was one of my favorites when growing up. I read his autobiography (This Life) a good while back and I think he has updated it or written a follow up.
Regarding "the Song of the South", I recently learned (a letter in Newsweek) that the film is not available in the US for politically correct sensibilities. Is it available in Canada on video? What about Europe? The actor, James Baskett won an honorary Oscar but is never seen in the US in this Disney classic.
i noticed that in the two creation accounts in genesis, the order of creation is not the same.
for instance, in account #1, animals are created before humans, and in account #2, animals are created after humans.. account #1. animals created gen. 1:21. humans created gen. 1:26. account #2. humans created gen. 2:7. animals created gen. 2:19. any comments on this?.
"as every one knows, there are mistakes in the bible" - the watchtower, april 15, 1928, p. 126 .
There is much evidence to suggest that Genesis is compiled from 4 main sources. Many of the accounts are told twice. The creation account has two separate tellings. The flood account has two stories from two sources woven together.
When you read Genesis as literature and study its origin it is somewhat different to the literal and real history belief of JWs.
I see your problem, you've started reading the Bible on your own.
i hope this works since i have little ability to correct the links with the restricted editing.
this is braeburn road san diego, ca.. would someone confirm which house is beth sarim.
is it the last house on the north side of the road just before the bend?
The photo comes from
After finding a street address you can select "aerial photo". I keyed in the address from Farkel's post on Beth Sarim and used his description of its location plus the photo's on Ivor Hope's page to take a guess at the house. I zoomed in quite close to what I thought was the right house then cropped part of the image and posted it to an Internet photo site.
I have found aerial shots of my own house using mapquest and
If Fred wants to give us his street address we coould post a piccie of his house/kennel/shoebox.
i hope this works since i have little ability to correct the links with the restricted editing.
this is braeburn road san diego, ca.. would someone confirm which house is beth sarim.
is it the last house on the north side of the road just before the bend?
I hope this works since I have little ability to correct the links with the restricted editing. This is Braeburn Road San Diego, CA.
Would someone confirm which house is Beth Sarim. Is it the last house on the north side of the road just before the bend? Or am I totally wrong or even have the wrong road?