July 3rd is my grandaughter's 1 year birthday. I love her. Happy birthday Eugenia!!!!!
july 3rd is my grandaughter's 1 year birthday.
i love her.
happy birthday eugenia!!!!!.
July 3rd is my grandaughter's 1 year birthday. I love her. Happy birthday Eugenia!!!!!
just got a call from my jw mom, she wanted to let me know that my dad was taken to the hospital friday!!
!, he had another heart attack.
he is on a ventilator and needs bypass surgery (again) but the doctors can't operate since his hemoglobin is low and he has been on coumadin (blood thinner).
I work in the medical field and due to HIPAA you won't be able to get anything at all over the phone. Hugs to you and hope you can see your Dad.
when i look around at all the people in the world, i'm comforted to know that jehovah will soon destroy them.. i'm talking about people that don't attend our encouraging christian meetings.
yes, people that don't zealously participate in the preaching of the good news.
'what good news?
if adam was really created by god, he'd have a bigger package
HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa!!!!! Fer Shure!!!!!
my conscience wouldn't allow me to do otherwise.
after all, this is the country that schooled me and fed me.
i use all the infrastructure here, and am entitled to all rights and benefits that any other citizen was entitled to.
Ah God, this brings back so many mortifying memories. I now see no reason not to stand out of respect for my country, however back in the day, I was bound by those "rules"
so a young man and a young woman approached my new investment property yesterday and opened with the line,..."hi, we are just talking to people in the neigborhood about jesus.
they were dressed in street clothes so i was kind of taken aback.
they are missionaries and there are group of about 15 of them that are attending to my neigborhood and surrounding neigborhoods.
When I had to leave my husband and come to stay with my parents a few years back I was destitute, homeless and had 3 and 1/2 children. Since I was DFed none of my parent's JW cronies could help me out, of course. Over the next few months several Christian groups in my new town helped me move into an apartment, brought me food, clothes, furniture, a crib for my new baby, etc. A 7th Day Adventist couple became my friends and used to leave food "anonymously" on my doorstep. None of these people insisted that I attend their church groups or study the Bible with them, although the invitation was always open.
This is the TRUE Christian Ministry.
The JW religion only practices this sort of thing when they are trying to get a convert. During this same time the entire JW congo in my town rented and renovated a house, furnished it, and supplied food and clothing to the non JW sister of one of its members. She was leaving her husband and needed help. I heard later that she wasn't really interested in becoming a Witness so they all vanished into the woodwork, leaving her to go back to her abusive spouse.
1) don't want to deal with it at meetings is what i think would be on the top of the list.they see what others have to go through.. 2) i know a married couple jws, that are avoiding having kids, and i've heard of reasons from them like.... "don't want to raise them up in this system".
"time is too short".
"i'll wait until the next system of things".
Their friends and other family members who are not jws or are ex-jws, try to look after them.
Thank you for telling me this. I feel better now.
1) don't want to deal with it at meetings is what i think would be on the top of the list.they see what others have to go through.. 2) i know a married couple jws, that are avoiding having kids, and i've heard of reasons from them like.... "don't want to raise them up in this system".
"time is too short".
"i'll wait until the next system of things".
I am thinking of poor Ray Franz, and his wife, who did not have children, because of the WTS dictates. Now they have no one close to them...
i thought it might be nice to see some positive things mentioned about jw's.
now, i know mentioning these things may be hard given the experiences here, but i've yet to find a group of people who don't have something positive about them.
if there weren't something positive, no one would ever join.
The "Borg" is bad but yes, there are good souls among the masses of Dubs. I recall an older sister who befriended me even though I was DFed. She preached to me whenever chance she got and, now, this is strange: my sixteen year old daughter was doing some work helping her with a disabled woman. I had occasion to give this sister a ride to her field service meeting on Saturday morning since I insisted that I would not let her walk such a long distance. We drove down the street where the house was and I said, "Kathy, do you want me to pull down a few doors...so no can can see you with me?" She thought a moment and said, "No!, just stop right here." At my Father's memorial service, a few years later, she came up and spoke to me openly, braving the gossip and possible retribution from the Elders. I will never forget her kindness and "bravery". It takes a lot of guts to go against such strong mind-control. Her human kindness prevailed. She taught me a lesson that in all groups, no matter how much we may scorn them, there are REAL people, people who can be good and kind, in spite of the worst sort of indoctrination.
anyone remember all the examples of youths being encouraged to work something about the jws into school assignments on abortion, evolution, volunteer work etc?
i remember cheekily ending an essay with "remember the theory of evolution is just that, a theory" in about 8th grade but that was about it.
i did just get a fantastic a grade mark on my philosophy paper on shoudl parents have the right to refuse life saving medical treatment for infants and children too young to decide for themselves.
In 6th grade I did an American Legion essay on "Why I Salute the Flag" and, of course my title was "Why I Do Not Salute The Flag". I was scared poopless after I turned it in and then when my teacher called me up to his desk I was terrified I was going to be expelled or something. Actually he said he thought it was great, very well written and he was entering it in the competitition. I got "honorable mention".
In 12th grade I did a huge research term paper about the supreme court flag salute drama. I went to the law library to do research. I got an A. I remember I ended my paper with the quote, "One man's meat is another man's poison."
I was a very good writer and could have probably written brainwashing propaganda for the WTS if I had had a penis...
today at the watchtower study,they said that marriage counselors encourage folks who are having issues to divorce..is that the stupidist thing that youve ever heard?
like,how many of them have gone to marriage counseling lately?.also the thing about the man being the head,the decision maker,that aint'jus' aint'a settin' right w/me...so,i assume if i get reinstated,i cant be an elder?like,because i dont have a penis?..um,hello,its 2007!!
Original Sin or Penis Envy Revisited
When Eve gathered apples and tempted man
in the biblical garden of Eden,
perhaps her antics were part of the plan
to make Adam deposit his seed in
her pot, her cauldron, coy witch that she was
and in lack of that tubular tater
he coddled and hoarded, simply because
he had one and she didn’t; but later
he developed a taste for fruit salads
it seems, and Eve got her vegetable stew,
giving birth to the race and to ballads
that praise his harvest, but paint her the shrew.
So carve those apples and be a good wife!
(We have what’s needed and do wield a knife)