JoinedPosts by prologos
Abel's religion would have been like the Memorial -- Cain's?
by prologos inso, the general jw population is forbidden to take the emblems at memorial time, the center ceremony of the wt religion.
by comparison, how would abel's start-up worked out?
well., the meat offered was forbidden to be eaten too.
smiddy: "--Killing one of Jehovah`s creations ? as an animal sacrifice ?--" I never thought the bible said that. Since humans could not eat the meat, innards, what would be the point of killing sheep (so the story goes) they probably were kept for the wool , and to harvest the parts for implements. (jaw bones as Samsonite clubs) I always pictured the sheep/ goats cows to be just carrion. my point was, there would have been no partakers in any ritual that had Abel's offering as an origin, -- before the flood. thank you! -
What was jesus doing for the first 30 years of his life?
by atomant in30 years is a long time in the life of a human yet little is written about this time frame,l wonder why?
ttdtt: "He was making Perfect Stools and Tables of course!" You do not have to be a master cabinetmaker to produce perfect stools. -
What was jesus doing for the first 30 years of his life?
by atomant in30 years is a long time in the life of a human yet little is written about this time frame,l wonder why?
If perfection means that the "Desires incidental to Youth" are perfectly repressed, who would want it? The reason that the bible is silent about these things of jesus, is probably that is better not to talk about his exploits. Ask the elders the grief that young people 13 to 30 get into. Woodworking without power tools is a great muscle builder, and boring (pun intended), but in the end will strengthen you for action where it counts, in the beds you made. -
Abel's religion would have been like the Memorial -- Cain's?
by prologos inso, the general jw population is forbidden to take the emblems at memorial time, the center ceremony of the wt religion.
by comparison, how would abel's start-up worked out?
well., the meat offered was forbidden to be eaten too.
So, The general JW population is forbidden to take the emblems at Memorial time, the center ceremony of the wt religion. By comparison, how would Abel's start-up worked out? well., the meat offered was forbidden to be eaten too. So, as an "Abel" communion event, all participants would have passed the meat plate around without anybody eating as "god" had stipulated, by exclusion. just passing the plate along, sounds familiar? By contrast
the Cain religion would have been hugely popular, Veggies, legumes, nuts, barbecued, with Promethean fire perhaps borrowed from the Abel heavenly meat "consumption", served to all, celebrating the success in overcoming the cursing of the ground, and the ensuing fertility all around. Besides you can not have meat turn into wine by fermentation, wheres Cain's grapes would oblige and be shared, not shunned. better thoughts?
Confused: What does the overlapping generation really mean?
by MicaSmith incan someone help me understand how the wt came up with the overlapping generation theory?
i just don't understand it even though i read the information several times.
it's bewildering.
Even without the overlap, the wt generation theory is wrong. The first century generation did not pass away before the destruction of Jerusalem; but wt says that the anointed generation will pass away before the destruction at Armageddon.
Trouble is, if you say otherwise, question this teaching, it is not just a theory, but truth cast in stone, you will be disfellowshipped.
what does it really mean? It means using the Frederick Franz example, Armageddon would not come until ~ 2075.
instant insight on religion during anti-witnessing
by prologos insaw a well dressed couple in a snack area this saturday, and approached to ask what the occasion was , hoping to talk to a jw couple counting time during fs break.
no, it was people waiting for a funeral.
so i said: "condolences, well you are following a long tradition since the very first burial of abel--right?
Crazyguy, thanks! I tried to get a follow-up topic started, but a funny thing happened on the way to the forum. here is a gist of it, what I would use on witnesses having their break.
a) question: what does the memorial and the Abel religion have in common? Nobody would partake of the offerings!!why?, Abel offered edibles, that were not authorized to be eaten. (meat diet after the flood only) passing the plate, not touching like at the memorial.
b) why, with a veggy only diet would Cain's religion been better? barbequed Veggies, legumes, fruit, nuts would have been very popular when the altar smorgasboard opened for the crowds.
instant insight on religion during anti-witnessing
by prologos insaw a well dressed couple in a snack area this saturday, and approached to ask what the occasion was , hoping to talk to a jw couple counting time during fs break.
no, it was people waiting for a funeral.
so i said: "condolences, well you are following a long tradition since the very first burial of abel--right?
Saw a well dressed couple in a snack area this Saturday, and approached to ask what the occasion was , hoping to talk to a JW couple counting time during FS break. No, it was people waiting for a funeral. so I said: "condolences, well you are following a long tradition since the very first burial of Abel--right? lady: yes--(so:-- a believer) . Then it hit me. thinking, out loud: "so: Had "God" not involved himself, Abel could have lived a peaceful life beside his brother, the two alternating foodstuffs as an offering. particularly Abel with his useless meat, unfit for consumption even by dogs.?? But No, "God" had to involve himself by favoritism, picking the "carry out" carrion over the good veggies , and precipitating and not stopping the descent into murder. The lady was stunned too. blame religion for murder from the word "go". satisfying for me, seed sown. The bible is just a story after all, that needs serious downgrading.
New Light - Two Sticks in Ezekiel - July 2016 Watchtower
by Listener inezekiel 37:15-17 prophesies about two sticks being joined together to become 1. one stick represented the two tribe kingdom of judah and the other stick represented the 10 tribe of israel (ephraim).
the article explains how the coming together of these two sticks meant the reuniting of these tribes in 537 bce.the modern day fulfillment was previously taught to mean that the anointed had once again come together in unity in these last days.the july watchtower now explains that one stick, the stick of judah, represents the anointed and the other stick, the stick of ephraim, represents the other sheep.
they further explain that since 1919 god's people have gradually reunited to become one flock.they are now saying that the other sheep are represented by 10 tribes of israel.
did not David Splane say they are finished with type-antitype hype?
Other Sheep = 12 tribes of (spiritual) Israel is long overdue.
Is it true: the memorial will stop after the last anointed have passed away?
by FinchAndWeston ini heard that the memorial will stop after the last anointed have passed away ... is this information true/false?
just curious.
it's secondhand.
ttdtt: thank you for that posted outline. To me, if any of this is relevant, the memorial should be celebrated eternally, because of the eternal benefit. Is it not called the eternal covenant? The New covenant is for forgiveness of "sins", so applies to the Earthly class first and last. On the outline:
everlasting life in heaven; the vast majority will enjoy life on a paradise earth. note : one notch down, not immortality in heaven, not eternal life. but only life on earth.
Once the Lord “arrives,” he will take the last of the 144,000 home to be with him in heaven --" I thought he had come in 1914, 1918.?
"Jehovah determines where we will best serve." The word serve reminds me of more wt drudgery, no thanks. enough is enough.
Did the Brother giving the Memorial talk mention Nisan 14 ???
by RubaDub inin our congregation, the brother mentioned nisan 14 a dozen times.. i thought, with the fact the jewish calendar has nisan 14 in april this year (april 22 i believe) that the nisan 14 thing would be hushed up.. was it mentioned where you attended?.
rub a dub .