JoinedPosts by prologos
Hearts going out to those in the Fort Mac area
by Dagney ina few posters on here live in fort mcmurray, canada where there is a devastating fire.
one at least has lost her home and beloved dog.
thinking of you all.
I hope nobody has suffered burns, was asphyxiated. Is not the Fort an oil town? with crude worldwide in a fire sale, a double whammy, an internal Canadian refugee crisis, Charity starts at home. -
Bible Reading Assignment This Week is About THE LEVIATHAN
by xjwsrock ina brother went on stage and read .
job 41:1-26. jehovah is straight up talking to job about a fire-breathing dragon in this passage.
it was surreal to hear this read without as much as a raised eyebrow in the audience.. here it is: (mind you this is almighty god talking one-on-one with job).
smoke is involved.: Yjis passage in Job, ranks of course with the talking snake, walking on water and other magic stuff, so consider that all the upper echelon in wt believe this and if they don't want you to believe this. as they said at IBM: Thimk! -
Understanding The Bible ... The "Linchpin" Effect
by Littleleslie inunderstanding the holy bible.. .
after many years of study of scripture, our bible study group has discovered something very important that needs to be realized or absorbed, before one can come to a correct understanding of the bible.
we call it, the "linchpin" effect... .
Littleleslie, If he bible had this "one author", should it not be like Rubik's Cube, having some kind of central Lynch-pin, but always given the same result when handled right? a Pin with a Spin? -
Bible Reading Assignment This Week is About THE LEVIATHAN
by xjwsrock ina brother went on stage and read .
job 41:1-26. jehovah is straight up talking to job about a fire-breathing dragon in this passage.
it was surreal to hear this read without as much as a raised eyebrow in the audience.. here it is: (mind you this is almighty god talking one-on-one with job).
Puff the magic dragon lives by the sea?
Bible Reading Assignment This Week is About THE LEVIATHAN
by xjwsrock ina brother went on stage and read .
job 41:1-26. jehovah is straight up talking to job about a fire-breathing dragon in this passage.
it was surreal to hear this read without as much as a raised eyebrow in the audience.. here it is: (mind you this is almighty god talking one-on-one with job).
levity about the leviathan. Too bad brothers are not allowed to comment on the bible reading anymore, then it really would be funny!. -
What was there before the Big Bang?
by Brokeback Watchtower in
Fisherman: "--and Gd tells him: "Get your own dirt!" " that is very telling, and teaching humour. That is why I consider discussions about evolution immaterial to the big question of initial creation. Evolution is playing with "god's" dirt, or play dough. but how this big, energetic structure we live in, started expanding, and moving through time. wow I would like to have been there in person, and of course i was there, but only in energy. -
What was there before the Big Bang?
by Brokeback Watchtower in
Fisherman: " Empty space is something to put things in. It is not known if ES existed before the bb. I think that it did not exist--" very good thoughts in connection with this theme.
There has to be a distinction between intergalactical space, defined in three directions and its point of movement through time, and the void that existed before the beginning bb. Perhaps mass and Energy generate the space and it's field forces as it expands? or is space just an invisible 3 dimensional framework where to hang matter into? Invisible like the kingdom of 1914? would the gravity be strongest just "outside" the universe, as it is strongest just outside the surface of the Earth? falling off in strength toward infinity and to zero at the center?
For these reasons I picture a kind of Ur-space, Ur-time that filled and always has, -eternity.
A flash from the past
by wasone inthis is a photo of the bethel repair shop taken in 1976. anyone recognize any of these lads from 40 years ago.
i know it's a long shot, but was wondering how many were still in after all these years.
i remember a few of them.
They are all a generation younger than I, but they all look that they would so much more content if allowed the permanent presence of a woman, and more time at the meal tables. -
Science disproves JW claims
by elbib inaccording to quantum theory and non-locality, two particles, can act in unity.
for example, take a and b (photons or electrons for example).
pair them, then separate them, and put them on either side of the planet.
According to wt old light does not "god" reside in the Pleiades? that's 444.4 light years away, and there they must not have heard yet about quantum entanglement, so be patient. -
What was there before the Big Bang?
by Brokeback Watchtower in
ts: "--Why does it have to be this way, everything going round something else?" because the universe is held in an expanding balance between the gravity of mass, and the centrifugal forces of the energy of movement. (even heat is just movement). Any movement in the universe powers it's expansion, Closer in, the planets go around the sun in orbits that balance the inward pull of the sun's mass. That is why the waltz, the loop, the roll are such popular movements too.