Smiddy: :--This ( Adam's primacy) was the prime belief in the Old Testament
The prime rib belief
i think i'm just ornery when it comes to equality.
ever since i can remember, i've always believed that all people were created equal.
the colour of a person's skin is irrelevent to me.
Smiddy: :--This ( Adam's primacy) was the prime belief in the Old Testament
The prime rib belief
.......................they were only beneficiaries of it!!!!
the org uses this spurious statement to "prove" their false doctrine that only an elite group are invited to be participants in the new covenant.
#3 "foreigners".
TS: "--the Org's decision on who is allowed to be in the New Covenant.
In their myopic bible misunderstanding, wt has limited the the New Covenant membership to the NT equivalent of the royal and priestly tribes. after all, -- all tribes were in the Law Covenant, in addition Judah and Benjamin had the royal, priest duties, spelled out in their respective coveted special covenants.
If the new (christian) arrangement would mirror ancient Israel, all members would be recognized to be in the new covenant, partake of the emblems, not just the few that are sealed out of all the 12 tribes. wt gives the wrong vibes. New covenant= forgiveness of sin, + widespread, heartfelt bible knowledge. If only the snake would not have talked, we would not have perceived "sin" , and we would die for purely natural reasons, like stars, enriching our surroundings in life and death.
in a previous post i mentioned i purchased a tape-deck to listen to "pear tree in the wilderness" by a very talented busker named kai jansen.
listening to his songs after 20 years created strong feelings and wonderful memories yet i have to admit the songs didn't live up to expectation.. so yesterday for an experiment i sat down with my 10 year old boy and introduced him to the music of:-.
bowie, eno, u2, aldo nova, the smiths, the who.. orlandos comments " absolute rubbish!!".
I think some of the beatle songs, other moderns, will emerge as winners in the future. Did Pachelbel's contemporaries have an inkling it would be played ad nauseum in our days?
every single bible student/jehovah's witness who has ever lived, has been indoctrinated to believe that a catastrophic great tribulation would very soon engulf the entire earth, causing untold death & destruction.
this spurious teaching is drummed into every j.w.
's head and used by them as a major recruitment tool.
searcher, glad you have not given up proving the wt wrong, using the book they are supposed to basing their beliefs by. so, don't give up. but arguably the things that befell coventry, hiroshima, stalingrad, tokyo, nagasaki, dresden, Auschwitz would stack up well, or rather higher, against what happened to jerusalem, so even jesus' story is kind of lame if considered as the one time ever epitome of disasters.
twelve years ago, i submitted this comment to the jwd board, relating to the practice of disfellowshipping young people from the congregation:.
"i am angry at the way jehovah's witnesses treat their most precious endowment; their young, developing, stumbling, exasperating, questioning, experimenting, growing offspring.. at the very most urgent time in their young lives; when they need the most reassurance, nurturing, patience, understanding and forgiveness, witness parents, under the direction of their congregation elders and governing body, toss thousands of these young ones out into the cold, cruel world, allowing them to virtually self-destruct.. many of these castaways are still in their teens.. there is no excuse, biblical, human, parental or otherwise to shut off all the guidance resources these young ones have ever known.
the human wreckage of this disgusting practice is astronomical.
this bizarre, one rule fits all situations "bible-based" policy has created odd responses. The hard facts are though, that in many family cases, no amount of additional attention by the father will forestall an offspring going off the wt rails. So, relax and take the temporary wt setback not too seriously, elders!-- there is life after eldership shipwreck. ,
so let's just say that the wt org is now finished.
families with da/df members are now reunited.
everyone is burning their med directive cards.
The Nazi analogy seems flawed, because it's end was brought about by overwhelming exterior forces.
the altitude problem.
everest today is 29042 feet high and i know some will say it.
s&r: "I can't believe adults are debating whether the ark was real or not. Seriously!
It is good to get newbies here to see the impossibility of that water happening, and the implication of key figures in the narrative, like Jesus, Peter the Rock, endorsing it. Good to see you have not abandoned us too!
i've tried to get over this, i honestly have.
since i stopped my kids going to meetings, things have gotten a little better.. but knowing the content of the convention programme that she was subjected to on friday, it amazes me and greatly annoys me that she goes back for more, today.
for her to sit there watching those crazy, fear mongering bunker videos.
It is absolutely galling to me that my wife submits herself
to the wt authorities, period. given their dismal record of using the talking snake scenario.
the so called bunker video isn't just getting attention here but among jws as well.
i've heard a fair share of cracks, some half joking half serious about the prospect of the video playing out in real life .
but something else i've heard is that the video was meant to be figurative, an illustration representing the 'interior rooms' prophecy..
siar2: "Clearly all the witnesses in the bunker were killed, as we then see them looking the same age but in the perfected new world paradise...after
I did not see it, if there was a follow-up to the bunker, were the couples married ? if they were killed and resurrected they would have re-appeared as singles, if you could tell.
..specifically, the suffering of animals.
you can talk about free will/sin/people choosing to not listen to god etc to explain human suffering being allowed.. but how can you love a god that allows animals, that haven't sinned or chosen to not have anything to do with god, to have their short lives ended in often long, drawn out, painful ways.
i could list stories i've read that would probably make you feel ill, but i'm not looking to shock anyone or start an emotional debate.
LorenzoSmithXVII:--Have empathy for those who have less.
like the wife of LouisXVI: "--let them eat cake" and :
an intelligent person like you, do you really, seriously believe that there was a talking snake, donkey? animals with eternal life, all? you lost your credibility right there.