sorry to have fallen into the "bash the wt mode" when it was not justified. Jws on the ground in 1943 id their level best not to contribute to the workings of the war machine.
JoinedPosts by prologos
WTS investment in Ford-Werke - 1943
by OrphanCrow in*thanks to reddit poster ahilexxx for this information*.
the watchtower society was invested in the german branch of ford motor.
in 1943, their investment was worth $597,595 ($8,363,677.95 in today's value - over 8 million!)..
This religion has a chance of survival
by Socrateswannabe inthe jws could survive as an organization due to one vital human need: recognition.
for decades this religion glorified the older ones and really didn't do much for the younger folks, hence the younger people left in droves.
if you're middle-aged or older, what was the average age of the elders in your congregation or your circuit overseer, as you were growing up?
I like what you say, except that wt has hobbled the young ones, I mean males mental development, by only assigning them bible readings with no comments for decades, in congregations with power blinded BoEs anyway.
WTS investment in Ford-Werke - 1943
by OrphanCrow in*thanks to reddit poster ahilexxx for this information*.
the watchtower society was invested in the german branch of ford motor.
in 1943, their investment was worth $597,595 ($8,363,677.95 in today's value - over 8 million!)..
OC :--dumping those donations into 'wordly' investments.
Investments that at the time, 1943 would have guaranteed to be used for anti-allied war production. The Tide was turning against germany, and some prior investor might have foreseen the devaluation of any asset under the threat of imminent destruction, even dismantling under the Morgenthau plan, or "ship all factories to Russia" program? May be WT bought it, because it was put on the market so low? not spirit guided investors.
WTS investment in Ford-Werke - 1943
by OrphanCrow in*thanks to reddit poster ahilexxx for this information*.
the watchtower society was invested in the german branch of ford motor.
in 1943, their investment was worth $597,595 ($8,363,677.95 in today's value - over 8 million!)..
Did they diversify and also invested in Opel? GMC's german branch? Ford was ahead of Opel in standardising parts and squeezing the most out of its workers, initially. Henry Ford had also strong anti-semitic leanings. or? PS: Us-owned factories produced great stuff for the german war effort: IBM, another example: NCR (National Cash Register) Berlin's factory produced the timers for anti-aircraft grenades that targeted the Boeing B17 formations flying overhead.
Generation expiry date?
by pleaseresearch inhow long will it take for a jw to see that even the overlapping generation is wrong?.
the org waited and waited to see if their interpretation of it came true.
those alive in 1914 would still be alive obviously it didn't and jws have to believe in an overlapping generation.
stuckinarut: "As has been said before:
Jesus was only speaking TO HIS FOLLOWERS IN HIS DAY!
There is no future its all a moot point.and that 40 year generation did not pass away until all these things, the destruction, took place, but now, wt writers, by making the generation anointed, and having them pass away before the destruction, are making it that moot point, pointless. Then, David Splaine, by invoking F. Franz as an age example, pushed it to ~2075, guaranteeing to make it really pointless for the living, who are are supposedly to survive and hope they "will never die."
December Study Watchtower - Preparing to Reveal a New Light?
by The Searcher inthe jw/wtbt's anti-scriptural & anti-christ teaching that "a person's own death wipes out their sins" (based on their lie that romans 6:7 is to be interpreted literally) appears to have had a little wedge inserted into it.
despite making numerous accurate references to the fact that 1st century christians had figuratively died to sin, the svengalis at the top of the brooklyn pyramid point-blank refuse to discuss/cite/quote romans 6:7 and its true meaning.
page 10, par.
eom: "What about Hebrews 9:27, doesn't seem to show that anybody gets a free pass from at least one death..... "27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment
yeah, if you pay for your sins with your death, the account is settled, what basis is there for a further judgement, possibly unfavourable? will wt fear mongering never end? and if Adam & Eve paid the price too, why not resurrect them, now with a clean slate?
December Study Watchtower - Preparing to Reveal a New Light?
by The Searcher inthe jw/wtbt's anti-scriptural & anti-christ teaching that "a person's own death wipes out their sins" (based on their lie that romans 6:7 is to be interpreted literally) appears to have had a little wedge inserted into it.
despite making numerous accurate references to the fact that 1st century christians had figuratively died to sin, the svengalis at the top of the brooklyn pyramid point-blank refuse to discuss/cite/quote romans 6:7 and its true meaning.
page 10, par.
talking about death in the bible, does it not say "the wages that sin pays is death"? so, not only do we pay for our sins by our death, as A&E did, or are buried with christ in his death, death is actually a wage due us, and will be handed to us when we die? if only I could live for free, without wages.
Did the flood happen?
by BlackWolf inso we were talking about noah for our family worship tonight and it ended with a little debate between me and my parents about how the flood was possible.
you know, where did the water come from, how did all the animals fit, etc.
of course it led nowhere and my parents came up with some strange theories like that there was "an expanse of water in the sky" and that's where all the water came from.
sbf: "How do you know God didn't use Neptune?
The idea of a giant tidal wave created by all the planets in conjunction is bollocks, particularly holding the wave at everest for nine month, a standing wave, and neptune, while sticking out like a sore thumb, is far, far-fetched. The Planets are never balanced, that is why the Sun wobbles, that is how we find new planets about other suns. A more unlikely scenario is that all the water missing from Mars sloshed over Everest, but it never did. -
Did the flood happen?
by BlackWolf inso we were talking about noah for our family worship tonight and it ended with a little debate between me and my parents about how the flood was possible.
you know, where did the water come from, how did all the animals fit, etc.
of course it led nowhere and my parents came up with some strange theories like that there was "an expanse of water in the sky" and that's where all the water came from.
That citing the flood as real and meaningful did Jesus' reputation serious damage,
December Study Watchtower - Preparing to Reveal a New Light?
by The Searcher inthe jw/wtbt's anti-scriptural & anti-christ teaching that "a person's own death wipes out their sins" (based on their lie that romans 6:7 is to be interpreted literally) appears to have had a little wedge inserted into it.
despite making numerous accurate references to the fact that 1st century christians had figuratively died to sin, the svengalis at the top of the brooklyn pyramid point-blank refuse to discuss/cite/quote romans 6:7 and its true meaning.
page 10, par.
The Searcher, I feel deeply for your passion on this subject, and were you not ready to resign from this board for the indifference you experienced? Paul's arguments on the subject are very abstract. After all, he believed sin entered into the world after the snake talked and the young couple shared a snack. The first naked humans to do that, while the rest of humanity was building temples outside their fenced, gated estate.
WT has subtle ways to keep their followers captive, one way is to keep them busy meditating on things like " what does the word dying mean". like in revelation where dying can mean leaving your religion, if I remember right. so, I too have 2 of my texts about which I am passionate. and people just do not see it, because these artificially created "the bible is right, you better apply it right" barbs, directed against any religion , remember we did it in the service, is futile because --- the bible is not right--there was no talking snake, we do not die because of sin. imho. but, do not lose your passion, just this particular subject.