Even in the earliest bible story, god did not take the initiative, demanding to be worshipped, but when Cain and Abel invented religion, he "liked the idea" (quote from Splane). Strangely, ABEL burned some of the meat that was piling up, (nobody, even dogs would eat it) , and god quoted Splane again ," like it" ( the carrion, carry on), and from there, the true worshipper story goes downhill.
On the bright side, God must be a creator (how else did all that stuff get here), and true worshippers, don't worship, wasting meat and vegetables and time. , but create, provide, they find out how creation works, and re-create.
Cold Steal: "--It would certainly help if you guys took a few theology courses before posting things like this.
You can't be serious, you believe in the talking snake story? I just wanted to pointed out the absurdity of it all,