May be wt thinks they would be best "serving" in their home country with their Dutch-required education?
JoinedPosts by prologos
JW refugees and politics
by Anders Andersen inin the netherlands, an action going on to get two brothers from sierra leone a residence permit.. the men fled the horrible civil war in their country when 14 and 11 years old.
without parents.. they have now lived in the netherlands more than half of their lives.
they are well educated, have nothing in sierra leone and everything in the netherlands.
Are Gods true worshippers on Earth today? If they are not JWs then who are they?
by Formerbrother inis there gods true worshipers on earth today as jesus said there would be?
if they are not jws then who are they?.
who else comes close to being gods true followers today?.
Even in the earliest bible story, god did not take the initiative, demanding to be worshipped, but when Cain and Abel invented religion, he "liked the idea" (quote from Splane). Strangely, ABEL burned some of the meat that was piling up, (nobody, even dogs would eat it) , and god quoted Splane again ," like it" ( the carrion, carry on), and from there, the true worshipper story goes downhill.
On the bright side, God must be a creator (how else did all that stuff get here), and true worshippers, don't worship, wasting meat and vegetables and time. , but create, provide, they find out how creation works, and re-create.
Cold Steal: "--It would certainly help if you guys took a few theology courses before posting things like this.
You can't be serious, you believe in the talking snake story? I just wanted to pointed out the absurdity of it all,
Are Gods true worshippers on Earth today? If they are not JWs then who are they?
by Formerbrother inis there gods true worshipers on earth today as jesus said there would be?
if they are not jws then who are they?.
who else comes close to being gods true followers today?.
Even in the earliest bible story, god did not want to be worshipped, but when Cain and Abel invented it, he "liked the idea" (quote from Splane). strangely, Cain burned some of the meat that was piling up, (nobody even dogs would eat it) , and HE quoted Splane again ," like it" From there the story goes downhill.
The bright side, God must be a creator, and true worshippers, dont worship, wasting meat and vegetables and time. , but create, provide, they find out how creation works, and re-create.
It's a sign! It's a sign I tell you!
by darkspilver inbut where is the sign?
maybe it should have a third sign?
don't worry, the lovely brothers and sisters at the deauville congregation want to say hello to caleb and sophia.
A lower echelon city employee allowed the witnesses to pay for the making and putting up of the CULT sign, but city council opposition questioned it in a session that was about tax increases for 5 star hotels, but the religion question was subject one, The Mayor defended the traffic department, despite the "obscure doctrines" of the cult. They ban the burka but almost advertise the Org on traffic signs? , weel, as long they classify it as a CULT for the english visitors.
It's a sign! It's a sign I tell you!
by darkspilver inbut where is the sign?
maybe it should have a third sign?
don't worry, the lovely brothers and sisters at the deauville congregation want to say hello to caleb and sophia.
Like all french texts, it is wordy, but the got it right, they call it a "CULTe" , and les freres. did not get the Org on the placard
At last something about JWs on a German news site.
by Driving Force infor anybody who understands german..
it is quite rare that a german news site actually puts something up about jws, after all they are insignificant from a newsworthy point of view.
but i like the fact that they have put this up..
she says that when leaving, she realized, it was not "the world" but the witnesses that sapped her energy, well written, thanks for posting
TOH: "- wonder in what religious group she was raised - could not have been JWs if movies, music and wine were taboos.
She referenced the strict upbringing in her family, who, in the black and white world of the german soul, could have been more restrictive than official wt guidelines.
What Happens to Adam and Eve?
by Cold Steel inin jw theology, what happens to adam and eve?
are they resurrected and become heirs to paradise on earth?
or will they become two of the heavenly class?
Whatever happened? they were tricked. Eve was told she would die if she so much as touched the fruit, she did and didn't. So Adam seeing that Eve had a magic, no-death touch, that she had neutralized that threat, ate, perhaps mouth-fed, did-not die that day either, lived ~930 years, but did not live long enough to find out from Peter that the voice had really meant 1000 year days. . big mistake, Adam should have requested the 7000 year creative day.
Jehovahs Witnesses don't know what the Kingdom of God even is.
by biblexaminer inafter a century of learning and teaching, the dubs are no closer to understanding what jesus taught.. god's kingdom rules ch.
1 par.
9 how will god’s kingdom come?
The kingdom was established in 1914. but will come at Armageddon, after the end of the overlapping generation. : this week's kingdom centennial book study. " Then they will know---."
DEATH: How have you prepared? Funeral, cremation, donate body to Science?
by TerryWalstrom inwell, hell!.
i had dizzy spells and near-fainting and nausea for a few days, so why wouldn't i start thinking about death, ya know?.
am i just very lax in my responsibilities in having no plans at all?isn't that irresponsible?
Have made my own coffin, loosely patterned after the last late pope's, actively shopping for a burial plot, perhaps cheaper used, I mean second hand, and for upright position, (real estate always good investment, look at brooklyn sales) even if you have to move and sell. Do not take your death lightly, it is a glorious act, part of fulfilling your life's mission. Make sure you have the three survival means, genes passed on and legacy, well, you are recorded here.
October 1914? Really?
by sylvlef inkm august 2014, page 3 paragraph 6(article for this week's service meeting):.
"the month of october 2014 will see the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the kingdom.
for this occasion a special edition of the watchtower will be on this theme.".
One reason that this advance action of satan was not a big deal in Brooklyn was, that for American's it did not become a world war until they joined later. The pre-emted action by satan also re-enforces the wt's contention that somehow the 607 to 1914 time is fixed, even accepted by satan, so, if even Satan believes it, times world wars after it, we can be certain it must be right.