The unusual feature of the sheep in the parable is, that they are surprised at the true importance of their humanitarian deed to the needy ones. They ask for an explanation: " when did we--"
Wt has taken the surprise out of that coming judgement, by declaring themselves to be the needy ones.
If ever there will be such a judgement, any help, money given to the fake least ones will obviously not classify those deceived as sheep,
wt, by making the gifts predictable, wt has taken the surprise out of giving. taken the
prospective life from the sheep, by falsifying the detail and spirit of the scripture.
PS: as a matter of fact the supporters of the fake least ones would be compelled to say: "when did we not feed you, --- hey, we gave all to your supposed brothers, the top guys--" who did say that in the parable? you are right, the goats. wt magic, turning sheep into goats without them realizing it, done by false doctrines.