Mephis: :"--laws which are instead invented by humans --" well, The laws by which nature works are embodied in the universe and it's movements, It is the human genius that is able to express them in Mathematics, a logic that allows us to extrapolate into further understanding of the workings of the universe. It probably can be said that these are among the eternal truth, because some are almost self evident like the inverse square radiation/ gravity laws, inverse fourth power cooling law, Pie, --The source of other constants are still being investigated, the mass/ gravity mystery, Higgs, gravitons, space tensioning. so.
to me, the deist creator is as useless as my parents. I would not be here without them, and they not without nature and it's possible maker, even if he appears to be fully finished with his work, just as my parents are with my pro-creation event. and I am not quoting Nietzsche here.