Fisherman, you said: "--Wt current anointed overlap generation definition although disappointing is academically valid, not only because the overlap doctrine is valid but also because those of the gc born circa1935 have not passed away ( if their life span governs generation length as TD points out) . wow.
the wt account, page 84 of the" jw, proclaimers" book says, that on May 31**, at the Washington DC convention, the members of the great multitude rose from their seats, so anyone listening to the speaker and understanding would have to be of school age? say born before 1930? now at least 86 years old? the majority of them now dead, and not the general population, but baptized, loyal (the flavour of the year).? but if you Fisherman consider the overlapping generation idea valid, and the maximum natural human lifespan is 120 years, what will prevent wt or people like you to come up with the overlapping Great Crowd of 240 years, taken the wt hope to 2170, a hundred years longer than the double Freddy franchise of David Splane's talk?
Another generation indeed, tell us another one like that.--
** one of the greatest earthquakes occurred that day, killing 10s of thousands near the Himalayas, so another great war/ earthquakes analogy?? to keep the "start a generation with a bang" trend?