That odd situation, of not being able to put a name on it, wt has in common with the "original witness": jesus.
He said he "made the name known" to the disciples, but never used it himself, at least that what his biographers indicated. .
first at all, there is a new marketing video of god's name, clearly saying the name of god is jehovah.. link:
and then, there is the video with geoffrey jackson (gb) clearly saying that the original name of god is not known and the use of jehovah is because of it is the most used variant in english.. link:
so, something contradicts here, isn't it?.
That odd situation, of not being able to put a name on it, wt has in common with the "original witness": jesus.
He said he "made the name known" to the disciples, but never used it himself, at least that what his biographers indicated. .
#4 there are two ways to get sins wiped outthe following five scriptures lay the foundation stone of christianity, namely, that christ died for people's sins.
virtually every christian denomination on earth accepts these bible statements without question: .
(matthew 26:28) "....this means my ‘blood of the covenant,’ which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins.
Searcher, even atheists would agree that our dying has to do with the genetic package we received and pass on.
Trying to tap into the reasoning in the "original sin" story, my question is, since Adam's sin is cancelled by his demise, why are we affected by his now non-existing, wiped-out sin? His real sin for us was to have offspring before he died? while he was imperfect, waiting to pay the price? Life is expensive, you pay for it with your death? and: you can wipe out sin, but even if you did, not the consequences?
#4 there are two ways to get sins wiped outthe following five scriptures lay the foundation stone of christianity, namely, that christ died for people's sins.
virtually every christian denomination on earth accepts these bible statements without question: .
(matthew 26:28) "....this means my ‘blood of the covenant,’ which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins.
Searcher, well re-searched. My question is: Since Adam died, paid for his terrible sin of eating the stolen fruit, why would we all have to keep paying too? and: wt of course makes the wiping out of sins conditional on total devotion to their mandate here on Earth, including prominent mention of them in your last will, estate going to "kingdom interests" -- : really 2.5 ways to have your sins, (and assets) wiped out.
while i am not able to recall them all at this time, i remember so many instances that when a number was quoted in the bible, especially large numbers, they were all "rounded up" to the nearest hundred or thousand.
for instance the angel killed 185,000 syrians, not 184,879. sampson killed a thousand men with the jawbone of an ass, not 961. and on and on on the even rounded numbers.
i would guess that it could be agues that these numbers were correct but is that realistic?
G1T: "So the interesting question is: Did Jehovah God himself choose the decimal numeral system? (His son will reign for a thousand years etc.) Or did he adapt himself to a system that humans invented?
Looking at our digits, as we are endowed with 10 fingers, it would be easy to count by ten. if you also use your toes, that makes 20, and the French still do it: Quatre-vingt-dix for 90= 4x20 plus 10. curiously, if the planetary distances are brought down to simple integers, the Earth ends up with 10, as in the modified Bode sequence, so it is we that have to play with the hand, feet that we have been dealt. not the other way around. Not a bad deal come to think of it. it bodes well for the future. ( 4,7, -10-,16,28,-52-,-100-, 196. 292, 388. Mercury to Pluto) note: only Venus, the retrograde rotatee is the only one with the uneven prime Number 7.
while i am not able to recall them all at this time, i remember so many instances that when a number was quoted in the bible, especially large numbers, they were all "rounded up" to the nearest hundred or thousand.
for instance the angel killed 185,000 syrians, not 184,879. sampson killed a thousand men with the jawbone of an ass, not 961. and on and on on the even rounded numbers.
i would guess that it could be agues that these numbers were correct but is that realistic?
jws: "--it was a measurement.,
a description of a measurement, a measurement of a vessel that could have produced many values at different, difficult to pin down places. If there is a divine bible author, he did not want to take the whole thing too seriously.
i'm new here; one of my relatives was a member on this forum a few years ago and told me about it.
anyways, as a sister who has been in the org since childhood and now in her late 40's (plus as a woman of color), i have noticed that a number of brothers have an ageist attitude.
they are very accepting of young women under 26 and rejecting women over that age, particularly those in their 30's and over.. is this an unspoken mindset from wthq (specifically from bethel), or is it that quite a number of males (sorry, i'm not sexist here) have this type of mentality?
so, if the religion is so terrible on females, why are they in a majority flocking, sticking to it? and why do the males stick and are attracted to the already perfect females, prior to paradise? like the song said: "You are decorating my life"? I am with TD: define your topic. I really appreciate talking to intelligent ladies, of all ages; even those that wield their power without the males, including their husband, noticing it.
while i am not able to recall them all at this time, i remember so many instances that when a number was quoted in the bible, especially large numbers, they were all "rounded up" to the nearest hundred or thousand.
for instance the angel killed 185,000 syrians, not 184,879. sampson killed a thousand men with the jawbone of an ass, not 961. and on and on on the even rounded numbers.
i would guess that it could be agues that these numbers were correct but is that realistic?
round numbers? the most glaring example is in I Kings 7, where a very precise number, (calculated to millions of decimal places), Pi : 3.141592------is listed only as 3. It is proposed to send the precise number into space to tell listening "aliens" that we are working on precise problems like that. so, why would an intelligent creator not act in kind, and kindly inspire the exact number (within reason) to be included in His Word? to prove he exists? because he loves round numbers, not mind numbing details?
the explanation is: In 1 Kings 7, one is not measuring the same circle, but inside & outside. --really though: the bible is not inspired, only inspiring.
sorry, out of topic, 3 is not an even, but uneven rounded number.
every single bible student/jehovah's witness who has ever lived, has been indoctrinated to believe that a catastrophic great tribulation would very soon engulf the entire earth, causing untold death & destruction.
this spurious teaching is drummed into every j.w.
's head and used by them as a major recruitment tool.
TS: "Jesus was referring to the worst tribulation ever to hit his audience's nation (God's people) up until that time -
I would guess that his audience could consider themselves of the family, nation rooted in Noah, Shem--. , so seen in this way we all are offspring of Noah, the big bang even, how ironic of jesus' endorsing the flood myth., makes armageddon just as credible. As you greatly pointed out, taken locally or globally, the wt's GT teaching is not a GT (great teaching).
i think i'm just ornery when it comes to equality.
ever since i can remember, i've always believed that all people were created equal.
the colour of a person's skin is irrelevent to me.
Smiddy: :--This ( Adam's primacy) was the prime belief in the Old Testament
The prime rib belief
.......................they were only beneficiaries of it!!!!
the org uses this spurious statement to "prove" their false doctrine that only an elite group are invited to be participants in the new covenant.
#3 "foreigners".
TS: "--the Org's decision on who is allowed to be in the New Covenant.
In their myopic bible misunderstanding, wt has limited the the New Covenant membership to the NT equivalent of the royal and priestly tribes. after all, -- all tribes were in the Law Covenant, in addition Judah and Benjamin had the royal, priest duties, spelled out in their respective coveted special covenants.
If the new (christian) arrangement would mirror ancient Israel, all members would be recognized to be in the new covenant, partake of the emblems, not just the few that are sealed out of all the 12 tribes. wt gives the wrong vibes. New covenant= forgiveness of sin, + widespread, heartfelt bible knowledge. If only the snake would not have talked, we would not have perceived "sin" , and we would die for purely natural reasons, like stars, enriching our surroundings in life and death.