WTBtS.inc missed an opportunity to invest in real estate deals to buy a south pacific translation office complex. work already done. wonder whether time was counted/reported during the translation hours.
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Geoffrey Jackson: Published Author
by Wild_Thing inthis is so bizarre to me.. https://www.amazon.com/tuvaluan-dictionary-tuvaluan-english-geoffrey-jackson/dp/982902704x.
Origin of Life
by cofty inin recent years significant progress has been made in solving the question of how life originated on our planet.. how do you think theists will respond when it finally happens?
as a former christian i know my reaction would have been something like "well that just goes to show that it takes intelligent life to make life", but for two reasons that defense doesn't work.. firstly it would prove that life is not an ethereal force that originates with god.
there is no 'ghost in the machine', no elan vital.
“molecular fossils” he calls Urzymes — Ur meaning earliest or original.
whenever I r[h]ea[r]d "UR" I perk up my ears. like Uhr=" time piece" showing 4.5 billion years ago.
JW women true value
by Chook inwhen they sent out internal letter to elders regarding the binding of elders book , worldly men could do the job but only under supervision of a elder.
but under no circumstance could a sister touch the book.
the idiots put it in print, any elders wives on this forum should take it up with their man.
watchtower knows that the wives control the men, but don't want them to control the book too. ladies provide 90% of the blabber at the hall too, so wt does not want to be even in more of a bind. The true value of woman is priceless, never mind the jw slavery.
What is the purpose of life?
by slimboyfat inwhile reading the magazines the other day it occurred to me that jws never really had a very good answer to that question.
because it was aimed at young people and it said something along the lines, "if you believe in god you have a purpose, but if you don't believe in god your life has no purpose or meaning".
i think that is a faulty analysis of the situation.
to see how far life will take us, to pass it on, upward.
What is the purpose of life?
by slimboyfat inwhile reading the magazines the other day it occurred to me that jws never really had a very good answer to that question.
because it was aimed at young people and it said something along the lines, "if you believe in god you have a purpose, but if you don't believe in god your life has no purpose or meaning".
i think that is a faulty analysis of the situation.
millie210: "THEN you lay around and eat grapes all day,
a pioneer in the 1960s had a different idea, don.'t eat the grapes, let them turn themselves into alcohol. His goal in life: to be a farmer in the New World, a one crop farmer. vineyard, grapes.
Origin of Life
by cofty inin recent years significant progress has been made in solving the question of how life originated on our planet.. how do you think theists will respond when it finally happens?
as a former christian i know my reaction would have been something like "well that just goes to show that it takes intelligent life to make life", but for two reasons that defense doesn't work.. firstly it would prove that life is not an ethereal force that originates with god.
there is no 'ghost in the machine', no elan vital.
Good questions Vidquin, may I add, the original questions were: how would believer react to the fait accompli, the future re-creative event of life's start.but now we are down to speculating how it happened, by slow evolution in a multiverse or a sudden major start just here. , how could you predict how deists, theist of various shades react to an event that has not occurred yet, and about which the details will be so important?
When GB Members Travel...Do They Stay With Members?
by Cold Steel inor do they stay at hotels?
do most jws know who's on the governing body?
if one just showed up at church would he be immediately recognized?
perhaps they are very weary now to expose themselves and their spouses to private scrutiny, they never can be sure of everlasting loyalty anymore.
Origin of Life
by cofty inin recent years significant progress has been made in solving the question of how life originated on our planet.. how do you think theists will respond when it finally happens?
as a former christian i know my reaction would have been something like "well that just goes to show that it takes intelligent life to make life", but for two reasons that defense doesn't work.. firstly it would prove that life is not an ethereal force that originates with god.
there is no 'ghost in the machine', no elan vital.
Ruby: :--here let me give you some science - life is continuous chemical reaction
To follow my "Pasteur" comment, It appears that non-living matter, even if organic, seems to be almost as immunized to resist self-starting the life-chemical-reaction, or to be easily prodded into firing up by catalysts.
Origin of Life
by cofty inin recent years significant progress has been made in solving the question of how life originated on our planet.. how do you think theists will respond when it finally happens?
as a former christian i know my reaction would have been something like "well that just goes to show that it takes intelligent life to make life", but for two reasons that defense doesn't work.. firstly it would prove that life is not an ethereal force that originates with god.
there is no 'ghost in the machine', no elan vital.
Ruby: " his reactions are every bit as combustible as chemical reactions
I was not singling out cofty at all, in my quick, not to well thought out comment, I just can not follow the fine points made by most posters in these discussions. and come to think of it, --we were looking for and thriving on hot air, thermals in our sailplane flying days. that' is how you got a "high".
When you were fully in, did you believe that you would not die?
by TTWSYF ini know that it must seem silly to ask, but my brother and his family think that the big a will arrive before they die.
i tried to explain to my brother that everyone else who has ever lived in the past has died and only jesus has [physically] rose from the dead.. it is amazing that anyone could buy that line.
what crazy cult culture that could make people believe such nonsense?!.
When I was fully in, and before, and young, like many young people I was immortal, and lived dangerously to prove it. Dying never entered my mind. Did I doubt it could go on forever, of course not, I survived all those Motorcycle crashes didn't I ? was I working for wt, at 30cts an hour, looking for a reward? no, living was a reward enough, so yes I lived without an end so far. did I believe wt promises? it did not matter.