Whatever happened? they were tricked. Eve was told she would die if she so much as touched the fruit, she did and didn't. So Adam seeing that Eve had a magic, no-death touch, that she had neutralized that threat, ate, perhaps mouth-fed, did-not die that day either, lived ~930 years, but did not live long enough to find out from Peter that the voice had really meant 1000 year days. . big mistake, Adam should have requested the 7000 year creative day.
JoinedPosts by prologos
What Happens to Adam and Eve?
by Cold Steel inin jw theology, what happens to adam and eve?
are they resurrected and become heirs to paradise on earth?
or will they become two of the heavenly class?
Jehovahs Witnesses don't know what the Kingdom of God even is.
by biblexaminer inafter a century of learning and teaching, the dubs are no closer to understanding what jesus taught.. god's kingdom rules ch.
1 par.
9 how will god’s kingdom come?
The kingdom was established in 1914. but will come at Armageddon, after the end of the overlapping generation. : this week's kingdom centennial book study. " Then they will know---."
DEATH: How have you prepared? Funeral, cremation, donate body to Science?
by TerryWalstrom inwell, hell!.
i had dizzy spells and near-fainting and nausea for a few days, so why wouldn't i start thinking about death, ya know?.
am i just very lax in my responsibilities in having no plans at all?isn't that irresponsible?
Have made my own coffin, loosely patterned after the last late pope's, actively shopping for a burial plot, perhaps cheaper used, I mean second hand, and for upright position, (real estate always good investment, look at brooklyn sales) even if you have to move and sell. Do not take your death lightly, it is a glorious act, part of fulfilling your life's mission. Make sure you have the three survival means, genes passed on and legacy, well, you are recorded here.
October 1914? Really?
by sylvlef inkm august 2014, page 3 paragraph 6(article for this week's service meeting):.
"the month of october 2014 will see the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the kingdom.
for this occasion a special edition of the watchtower will be on this theme.".
One reason that this advance action of satan was not a big deal in Brooklyn was, that for American's it did not become a world war until they joined later. The pre-emted action by satan also re-enforces the wt's contention that somehow the 607 to 1914 time is fixed, even accepted by satan, so, if even Satan believes it, times world wars after it, we can be certain it must be right.
Latest News on Oetzi
by LoveUniHateExams ini vaguely remember when the 5,000 year old mummy was first discovered in sept 1991. i was twelve.
he was quickly given the name 'oetzi' because he was found in the oetztaler alps.. my granddad had a book about it and after he died, i took his book home with me.. apparently, some scientists believe that oetzi died from an arrow shot and a blow to the head.. interesting.. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3795815/25-years-europe-s-oldest-human-mummy-alps-scientists-say-amazed-learning-5-300-year-old-corpse.html .
darkspilver: Thank you for posting that. Does not the Iceman look like Hitler, who was born not too far from the find, and : read the fine print at the bottom of page four: " Awake builds confidence in the Creator's promise of a new world--that the generation that saw the events of 1914 will not pass away. " With Oetzi and the flood dated the same age, why did he not float away? at least we know that Noah must have had copper tools. he must have spend more time sharpening them than actually working, if you know how long a finely honed edge lasts, and how hard it is to woodwork without them.
The Biblical Flood Thoroughly Trashed
by Farkel inthere are many new ones on this board who may not have seen this.
my old friend alan feurerbacher who has done an unbelievable amount of scholarly research on many subjects must have spent about two or three thousand years researching virtually every aspect of the biblical flood story, and am providing the link to this subject (together with links to other excellent work by him).
it's long and detailed and definitely not for those who get bored with more than four sentences of information and sound bites.
If the flood was global and Everest high, to make sure everything drowned as planned, all glaciers would have lifted off their bases, (the Greenland ice sheet is only 1/3 of Everest's height), and drifted for 9 months. Vast fields of floatsome, biomatter on the surface too. so-- why do we have these Ice masses there now again? and where did they come from in the first place if it never rained, snowed before the flood?
Origin of Life
by cofty inin recent years significant progress has been made in solving the question of how life originated on our planet.. how do you think theists will respond when it finally happens?
as a former christian i know my reaction would have been something like "well that just goes to show that it takes intelligent life to make life", but for two reasons that defense doesn't work.. firstly it would prove that life is not an ethereal force that originates with god.
there is no 'ghost in the machine', no elan vital.
believers of various shades could argue, about a new, human-made start-up of life, that a new source of electricity, or a new circuitry has been created, a similar, parallel self-replicating reaction, but it is still the same electrons, the same electricity, wavy strings, same potential energy, same laws, from the big bang beginning, and you know where that must have come from. -- That scientists in their experimentation on abiogenesis are just trying to build the right trap to catch the life force again? a force that does not float around everywhere, but appears under the right conditions, like the Casimir effect?
Latest News on Oetzi
by LoveUniHateExams ini vaguely remember when the 5,000 year old mummy was first discovered in sept 1991. i was twelve.
he was quickly given the name 'oetzi' because he was found in the oetztaler alps.. my granddad had a book about it and after he died, i took his book home with me.. apparently, some scientists believe that oetzi died from an arrow shot and a blow to the head.. interesting.. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3795815/25-years-europe-s-oldest-human-mummy-alps-scientists-say-amazed-learning-5-300-year-old-corpse.html .
Oetzi died from an arrow shot and a blow to the head
Abel just died from the blow, it took one thousand years of arms race to kill at a distance, he also had a copper axe that was not taken from him before he was snowed under and froze. His closest modern day descendants live in Corsica, Sardinia, home of European supercentenarians. They are freezing people again for future use.
What puzzles me, is, how come, if he died just around the time of the flood, why his private glacier tomb was not lifted up above Mt. Blanc, the Matterhorn, Everest? Ice floats on water right?
The Other Sheep are the 10 Tribes of Israel. WT answer.
by prologos inif you still chafing under wt's false teachings, wanted to prove wt wrong , still sit through wt "studies", here is a gem from the current studies to sept 25, july 2016 wt mag.
to read while the study drones on: "questions from readers " the 2 sticks.
the summary: the two sticks: judah's 2 and ephraim's 10 tribes were reunited at the return from exile.
Alanv: "What happened to their new rule of not using types and anti types unless the bible specifically does?
The article does not have the words "type" and "antitype" directly printed, but on page 32, the last in that the issue, it say of the 1919 anointed: "--they were like the stick of Judah,--" and of the OS: "-- they were like the stick for Joseph--" clearly using them as symbolic types. My point is, that member of all tribes were Israelites, not just the Levites living among them all over the land , or just Judah and Benjamin settled around Jerusalem .Wt can not admit that most of it's adherents are real dignified humans, "israelites" not comparable to dumb animals. They never speak of anointed sheep and Other sheep. In the article their own words prove them wrong. Denying the Other Sheep full citizenship proves that their previous symbolic typing of ancient stories was misapplication of the precedents.
The Other Sheep are the 10 Tribes of Israel. WT answer.
by prologos inif you still chafing under wt's false teachings, wanted to prove wt wrong , still sit through wt "studies", here is a gem from the current studies to sept 25, july 2016 wt mag.
to read while the study drones on: "questions from readers " the 2 sticks.
the summary: the two sticks: judah's 2 and ephraim's 10 tribes were reunited at the return from exile.
Cold Steel, I was specifically pointing to the wt attempt to denigrade the normal christians, as mere dumb animals, as the jonadabs, gibeonites, subclasses of christians.